F-Secure 2014 released

i've received via automatic updates few minutes ago the new F-Secure 2014.
no contextual scan icon,yet.well...
that's incredible!
What should to do to make you add this icon? does not ask the impossible, since every other antivirus have one!
may have to wait until 2015?
the interface is poor,settings and configurations are poor.
i'm sorry to see this excellent product that left behind in the graphic compared to other products-
the lacks are:
anti spam for Outlook 2013 plugin.
removable devices scan option when inserted.
left scan contextual menu icon (this is really incomprensible )
own firewall.
boot scan (rescue mode)
please, is there anyone who can tell me if the lack of scan icon in the contextual right scan menu is a choice of F-Secure?
Ben,where are you?
i remain with you only for your excellent capacity to detect malware
i hope that my suggestions are approved,in the future.
I totally agree with you except i think the interface is pathetic, the one when you left click the icon in the taskbar, it looks like a 6 year old "designed" it, due to the fact that there is still no firewall im afraid to say that it is goodbye from me ,why should i have to pay so much more for internet security than your anti-virus ,when it has no firewall.
Hi MeteorMan and others,
Thanks for your feedback concerning our latest version. We are very excited about our release and initial reactions from our customers has been extremely positive and encouraging.
With our new F-Secure Internet Security 2014, one of the main improvement area was the main user interface and its core functionality. The key design principle was that we wanted to focus on the normal consumer needs and make sure the user has the best possible user experience. The design is based on our extensive knowledge on usability and was validated with several focus groups with actual users.
Our solution is constantly updated and uses cloud-based technologies to protect the user at all times. In most of the cases, there is no need to perform additional scans to make sure files are safe. They are always scanned when accessed. The users can perform an additional scan easily through our main user interface.
Few users have asked about contextual scan functionality (right-clicking files in Explorer) and it’s on our backlog as an improvement item. But it didn’t unfortunately make it in the 2014 release since we had more important items to finalize for the release. Unlike most of our competitors, we do release more frequently than once a year. We are currently working on our next minor release and contextual scan functionality is one of the items we will review as a candidate for the upcoming releases.
Providing the best protection to our customers was another main improvement item in this new release. With the updated DeepGuard 5, we can now also protect our customers against malware that are using exploits to infect the computer. F-Secure Internet Security includes a firewall with intelligent control by DeepGuard. It automatically prevents exploits from entering the computer and malware from stealing private data. For more information about our firewall, please check our post on our community at: http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/What-has-happened-to-the/ta-p/15392
Best Regards,
dear Sami, we only ask you just ONESCAN ICON, not the moon
you can implement it in the release 2 of 2014 version?
as the interface, not I'd be proud if you look at all the other anti-virusinterfaceslooks like Windows 95 style!
also the eye wants its part, isn't it?
There are still many things that are missing in F-Secure to bring it to other products, I hope you can enter all of the features that are missing.
you said that a few users have requested the right scan icon button.but this is one thing that every competitor have,in his AV!!!why only you don't have your own icon???excuse me, but this defies my understanding!left scan contextual menu icon (this is really incomprensible
own firewall.
boot scan (rescue mode)
you could do it in this version,you could think about it beforebest regards!