F-secure Freedome with a NAS Synology
Hello Is it possible to connect my NAS Synology DS215+ to F-secure VPN with my F-secure Freedome credentials ? I have 2 possibilities : Open VPN or iPsec configuration but I don't know the parameters to put. Thanks in advance
VPN connection from Finland to Stockholm vs. Copenhagen - 10x speed difference
When I use my 100Mbps VPN connection from Finland via Stockholm I can get maximum 6MB/s but from Copenhagen 70Mbps. This has been the same for two weeks now. Is Stockholm's VPN connection point overloaded and there is not enough capacity compared to Copenhagen?
Ostin eilen freedomen koeajan päätteeksi - apple on veloittanut tiliäni, mutta Freedome ei mene päälle. Saan viestin, kun yritän laittaa päälle: tilauksesi on vanhentunut. En siis voi aktivoida Freedomea, koska se ei mene päälle. Missä vika? Minulla on iOs 9.01 käytössä ja koeaikana freedome toimi hyvin. Poistin myös…
Freedome Mac OS X 10.10.5 won't launch
Freedome won't launch on my Yosemite. When I try to launch it after installation, the program says it requires an admin password in order to proceed. After giving the password, Freedome crashes. This happens every time, also after I removed and re-installed Freedome. Any help?
Windows Command Processor. Is it safe?
Hey guys, Whenever I try to open Freedome, I get a pop up saying "Admin permissions needed - Freedome needs to restart services that require administrative permissions". I also have 3 choices, "Restart service", "Sender error report" and "Close". When I click "Restart service", I get another pop up where I have to allow…
Google Chrome keeps asking for verification
When I try to search using Google Chrome with Freedome switched on, Chrome has started asking for verification that I'm not a robot. It comes up with a box asking me to type in a code. When Freedome is switched off I can search using Chrome normally. Is this normal or a scam? This is the message I am receiving from Google…
Serious Linking issues with freedome vpn servers infected
Hello been banging my head for a few days when trying to acess some links with freedome on everytime i try to acess a link on a website it goes blank reason is this http://logc89.xiti.com/go.ad?xts=379341&atc=INT-499-[rs-vi--adpage_v8]||&type=AT&url= "followed with the link adress" seams every vpn server is…
Virtual location does not work
I just installed Freedome into my Win 7x64 laptop and it seemed to install OK. I tried to test it, but the results so far are bad. I want a VPN to allow me to surf USA shopping sites that block their traffic to foreign locations. I connected Freedome through three USA Freedome locations (Eastern, South, and West), but the…
High volume of sent Bytes once Freedome is enabled, cannot connect out.
I recently installed Freedome on my windows 10 machine. Once I turned it on, the Traffic Protected figure jumps up by a GB every few seconds. When looking at the TAP adaptor itself the Sent bytes is increasing at an impossible rate for my network. The received is hardly moving at all. I tried to ping both domains and IP's…
How to use DNS Crypt with Freedome ?
Hi all, I've been using DNS Crypt for a while now but it's not working when Freedom is ON. I made a dns leak test to show information. How is the DNS connection handled ? How should I proceed to make DNS crypt work with Freedome ? Thanks in advance,
I have had f secure freedome for a trial period. On ny iphone6. I have got a new key but i am not able to enter it Can anybody help??
Unable to start VPN
Ok, I have installed F-Secure Freedome on my iPhone 4S with iOS 7.1.2, and the profile is installed too (I can see "F-Secure Freedome" under Settings->General->Profiles). Unfortunately, when I try to turn protection on, the app keeps trying to download the profile. If I install the profile again, the app says: "Error…
Problem whit updating to latest version on Mac
When i am being asked to update to the latest version of Feedome ( now runnning version 1.0.1565.0) on my Mac i drag the Freedome icon to the applicationsfolder and choosing the optoion to replace the older version of Freedome, i got the message that this is not possibole because the object Freedome is already in use. I…
Freedome Error - Windows 10
Hey, my version of Freedome doesnt work anymore, ive been updating to win10 lately, had to deinstall the network adapter of freedome and now after re-installation of freedome it doesnt work, network adapter is not even being installed, Freedome starts and after pressing "on" i am getting an error message, saying that the…
Huge lag spikes constantly (picture inside)
I'm in the process of getting myself a VPN. I'd like to use F-Secure since I trust them but I'm getting really bad lag spikes while using it. I've tried finnish, swedish and netherlands servers. http://postimg.org/image/idzurthst/ What is causing those huge constant spikes? if I run the same command without the VPN, I get…
F-secure Safe and freedome campaign offer
Hello, I'm planning on purchasing F-secure SAFE (5 devices, 2 years) from a physical store here in Finland and I noticed that you are offering Freedome as a bonus for all who purchase SAFE. I was wondering if this also applies for purchases made outside your website (ie. physical stores)? And for that safe subscription…
Freedomenot launching Mac OS X 10.7.5
I recently installed freedome on my mac but I cannot get the app to launch. I Click on the icon and it does nothing. I have tried redownloading it but that didnt seem to help.
How's it work in mobile,is this work in the phil.
Help....is this work in phone
Lost the freedome activation key
Hi, I bought Freedome for my Ipad some months ago. Now i want to start using it on my laptop with windows as well. It seems anyway that i have lost the activation code. Ist there a way to reclaim it, or what should i do? Thanks!
I can't connect to F-secure freedom's sever.
I have a voucher but I can't connect to the sever.
Maximum number of activations reached! 0 devices in use.
Cannot use Freedome anymore after factory reset of my device. Freedome is bitching I have too many activations. In reality 0 devices have Freedome installed with my product code at the moment.
Freedome error after version upgrade
Freedome requested to upgrade to an new version 20150908.. version 1.0.1842.0 After upgrade completed, get an error message saying that something went wrong. I am disconnected and I can't connect to Freedome. If I restart my PC get the same error message and problem i have uninstall and reinstall I waiting for respons or…
iOS 9.0.1 connectivity issues on iPad Air
Just updated to iOS 9.0.1 on my iPad Air. When changing the location in Freedome I get this message. Not every time, and it seems that the message can be simply ignored. Something to fix?
2 Questions : 1. I have an account on my android device (paid for a year) can i use that same on ma macbook? 2. I see i can pay more to use it on 3 devices can i just upgrade my account? THANKS
Falkenstein VPN Server no longer working for torrent downloading why??
I was useing that server for torrents and now all of a sudden it no longer works for torrents. beens not working for over a week now. https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Is-BitTorrent-allowed-with/ta-p/65934 I don't see that server added to this list.
Freedome subscription not working
Ok, this is what happened. I used the 14 day free trial thing, and when i entered a subscripyion code, this message appeared: You cannot use this code because you have already used another one on this device. Even when I reinstalled Freedome, it showed the same message. Can anyone please help! Thanks. P.S. Using Windows 8,…
I can not activate the license
Hi I received 5 licenses FreeDome, because I have F-Secure SAFE 5 pack. Now I have actived one lisence in my Mac and I tried actived another license in PC Windows 10 laptop. During two weeks FreeDome tell to me that it can't check licenses and now today FreeDome tell that all licenses is used. How I can see and define…
Problem with Netflix & Google Play TV3PLAY
Hi, I have problems with getting access to Netflix US or for example download TV3 PLAY SVERIGE app while connected to Sweden-IP-address. Can you help me solve this problem? I have a Nexus 7 Android 5.1.1.
Firefox Bookmarks Sync Problems
Hi, I am trying out Freedome. It seems that when it is enabled Firefox Sync is constantly syncing my bookmarks. They are now all messed up. I disabled Freedome for now. Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround? Thanks.
Freedom in Mac OSX, multiple accounts problem
I've just installed Freedome to my MacBook Air, and noticed a weird behaviour when using multiple (two) user accounts. When I'm logged as a user A, Freedome is acting just fine. When an another user (B) logs in user her credetials, Freedome doesn't start. It just does nothing. If I (the user A) log out, and then the user B…