after updating freedome, did not work in windows 7

Behzad Posts: 7 New Member


after updating  Freedome today (as per your program suggestion to new freedome verstion),it didd not work on windows 7.

i reinstall it and i faced to new problem and it shows error "there was problem to coonection server"

also it  did not shows any server name and location.

please help to correct it.

be note thta i have valod 5 user liscens .

Best REgards


  • Hi Behzad,


    Can we have a screenshot of the error message which is displayed on your Freedome product?

    Does this error message show up when you try to turn on Freedome or when opening the Freedome application?

  • Behzad
    Behzad Posts: 7 New Member

    Dear Sir

    yeastrday i tried to upgrade the program and i did not face this problem but still i cant connect to any server.

    how i can prepare log file from windows freedome and send to you for checking whatis wrong in this upgrade?


    i bouth 5 user account and i cant used it on IOS and recently windows and it is not fair and i so disppointed from your product.

    please help me to solve this matter

    bets regards

  • Hi Behzad,


    We would like to get more information on this issue to troubleshoot further. We are sorry to hear about your trouble, but we are here to help.


    Is Freedome able to work as usual on your iOS device and does it occur only in Windows 7 machine? Does it occur on all locations?


    Does Freedome show as connecting when trying to turn on or is there any error message?

  • Behzad
    Behzad Posts: 7 New Member


    in IOS  i cant connect atall and the program ask me to restart the device.

    but for windows after updating i face new problem and when i turn on the freedome ,program shows  try to connect and did not connect  to any server ,but in some rare case Freedome will connect to some server like GB and finland.

    please help to solve this matter for windows

    bets regards

  • Hi Behzad,


    For your iOS device, if you are running on iOS9, you may check this article regarding the restart message.


    For you Windows computer, may I know where you are located as you seem to connect through certain servers occassionally?

  • Behzad
    Behzad Posts: 7 New Member



    i'm from canda but i use it when i'm in Iran,i cant use it from Iran and the server that i will used finland and uk.

    i need this program here seriously and pls help me to resolve this issue

    best regards

  • Hi Behzad,


    As Ben has commented in the other thread, Iran is seen to be blocking most VPN (various vendors). As of now, you may try to use the other locations which are working.



  • Behzad
    Behzad Posts: 7 New Member


    with respect to you but i did not accept your reply beacuse of your program is working well here before upgrading and  andriod device is working probebly .

    please check   my problem in detail and reply me the exact reson

    best regards

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