cannot activate my subscription code

mike239 Posts: 4 New Member

After I upgraded my OS to windows 10 I can no longer activate the newly reinstalled freedome. My subscriptiom has not expired yet. Please Help!


  • Hi mike239,


    May I know if you see any error message when you ty to validate your subscription? Was Freedome installed before the OS upgrade?


    Could you please post a screenshot of the error message if you have one?

  • mike239
    mike239 Posts: 4 New Member
    I did not install freedome before the upgrade. Here's the error message : "You have reached the maximum number of installation with this code. Please make a new purchase to extend your freedome subscription".
  • Hi mike239,


    Have you used your Freedome license before for validating the Freedome product? Is this a single license or a multi license key?


    Is there any other device using your Freedome code?

  • mike239
    mike239 Posts: 4 New Member
    Yes, I have used the license in my windows 7 OS when I reistalled it several times, then upgraded to windows 10 twice because I had problems with the first upgrade, ie. cannot connect to wi-fi. My license is for a single device only.
  • Shuvro
    Shuvro Posts: 1 New Member

    I have same problem too, two days ago i got 3 codes from freedom. And i were installed codes in my Windows 10 , Android, iphone. Now today i just remove my Windows 10 to 7 and try to enter my code. But that is not working, also i have 3 years left. Whenever i try to enter my code it says "Erros, Code was not correct try again". I still my android and iphone working with thats codes. Please help.

  • Hi mike239,


    I will send you a PM on this issue for further discussion.

  • Hi Shuvro,


    May I know how/from where you purchased the Freedome codes for 3 devices for 3 years?

  • mike239
    mike239 Posts: 4 New Member
    My invoice date from Cleverbridge is dated May 18, 2015 good for one device for 12 months.
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