freedom does not accept the given code after upgrade it requested to be made

kabs Posts: 6 New Member

I use a mac (OsX 10.10.4) and freedome gave a message about needing to upgrade and prompted to give the admin code - after which it downloaded something from f-secure and I installed it. But then nothing worked anymore... my code is not accepted and I had +340 days left on the subscription. 


I got myself another code from my original email (meant for friends) and this worked for just a day... the funny thing is that freedome on the original code works on the pad and phone - go figure.


Please help.


What could also help is that some of the others who have had this problem (checked the earlier messages) would actually include info on how this is fixed the fastest. No info is available after "send code as private message"... not helpful.


  • kabs
    kabs Posts: 6 New Member
    Actually - my problem is exactly the same as in the previous thread, now that I got to reading it... sorry for double posting. I cannot roll back anymore so fix is needed.
  • Hi Kabs,


    I saw your Private Message on this issue. May I know if you have got your Freedome code from your Safe account? If not, please let us know. Could you also post your error message on your Mac as a screenshot for us to check it?

  • lmfjkm
    lmfjkm Posts: 6 Explorer

    I do have a similar kind of case, see

    the difference is that after I got a new code which was accepted, the protection does not get on.

  • kabs
    kabs Posts: 6 New Member



    Thanks for the reply. The subscription is from my SAFE (received an offer for 365 days). The error message is below. Many thanks for helping me out.


    Br, K



  • Hi kabs,


    May I know if your Safe account is for 1 year and how many devices? Is it a single license for Safe or multiple licenses?


    If multiple licenses, could you retry to use the second/other code from your Safe account (for friends) and retry the validation? It should work if not used before.

  • kabs
    kabs Posts: 6 New Member

    The license is for one year (due for re-sub in Dec) and it is for multiple devices - five to be precise.

    I had used the friend code already before mailing my first message (it stopped working after one day) but I tried it once more and it works now - it did not when it stopped working originally... weird.

    Now that it works, all is ok but what do I do when/if it stops again? Just retry with the two codes randomly?

    Should I disregard upgrade requests next time?

    Many thanks for your help so far - hopefully this bug (?) gets sorted out soon as I know I'm not the only one...

    Br, K
  • Hi Kabs,


    Good to know you have used the code and activated the program! Smiley Happy


    Please try to use the Friend code in case you have to revalidate it again. However, if there is an upgrade request, I would recommend to continue with the upgrade - may be this issue was just temporary.


    Thanks for your feedback and happy to help you as always!


  • kabs
    kabs Posts: 6 New Member
    Hi again, Laksh

    This gets weirder by the day... I got the same message to reinstall - ignored it - but then I got this: Fatal error "data required to run freedome is missing or corrupted. Please reinstall the software." (could not attach a screen cap here)

    No matter what I try now, it does not change. And even worse, my safe account does not even show the whole freedome subscription - only the safe subscription - which means I cannot create a code for a friend (so I could use it). The only upside is that freedome works on my iPhone and iPad. Any ideas as what has gone wrong now?

    Having lost the vpn, I upgraded to el capitan with nothing left to lose - unfortunately that did not change the problem, I get the same error message.

    Hopefully you have something up your sleeve... Can I get it restored? Who can I contact at f-secure about it?

    Br, K
  • Hi Kabs,


    Just to get more information about your Safe account, may I know how/from where did you purchase your Safe licenses?


    Regarding the Freedome licenses from the Safe account, the Freedome campaign (via Safe) was a limited offer which ended by September 30th, 2015.

  • kabs
    kabs Posts: 6 New Member

    I bought the safe license from a store (Stockmann in Finland) - it was a box with a code for me and a gift license for a friend.

    I know that the freedome was a limited offer but I took it before it closed and now it does not work on my mac. My phone and tablet work fine. So I'm onky looking to get freedome to work again on my laptop - not to get a new license.

    Br , K
  • Hi Kabs,


    I will send you a PM on this issue to discuss further.

This discussion has been closed.