F secure freeedome
It is a resorce hog it cuts my internet speed in half (wifi) frome 25 mbps down to 8 mbps. I have been in touch with support what a joke they are the blind leading the blind. So heed this warning ! if you don't mind losing internet speed then buy it but the program does suck and if I could get my money back I would i will…
How does the multi-device subscription work?
I can't get an answer directly from F-secure about this... If I purchase a single multi-device subscription from my windows computer, can I use that subscription on my iphone for example? Then, if i disconnect from my iphone, can i connect from my laptop using the same single subscription? Or would i need a two-device…
freedom does not accept the given code after upgrade it requested to be made
I use a mac (OsX 10.10.4) and freedome gave a message about needing to upgrade and prompted to give the admin code - after which it downloaded something from f-secure and I installed it. But then nothing worked anymore... my code is not accepted and I had +340 days left on the subscription. I got myself another code from…
Freedome subscription to new computer
Will I loose my active Freedome subscription if install Freedome on a new computer? Is there a way of deactivating it on my old Mac, and having the same amount of days left on my new Mac when I install it on there? I'm guessing there isn't a way to remember my purchase like it's on my iOS device
Freedom vpn
I have tried to contact you through chat 4 times, I was given the following info 2:48 PM Connecting... 2:48 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly. 2:49 PM Support session established with Shadiq. 2:49 PM Shadiq: Hi, my name is Shadiq, and I’m here to help you. Before we proceed further, I’d like…
Mac OS X El Capitan Freedome Menubar
Hey guys, I don't know if I'm the only one experiences this issue, but Freedome's icon in the Menubar occassionally goes invisible. This only started occuring after I upgraded to El Capitan. Also, would it be possible to make the UI in the menubar more interactive? I love it as it is, but I'd rather use Freedome from the…
cannot activate my subscription code
After I upgraded my OS to windows 10 I can no longer activate the newly reinstalled freedome. My subscriptiom has not expired yet. Please Help!
Freedome gave me wrong virtual location
Hi, I use Freedome with Windows7x64. I have set virtual location to Finland (Espoo). It usually works fine. But on Saturday I turned Freedome on again and it shows me that procetion is on and location is set to Finland. But then when I was loggin in to my e-mail account, site warned me that I'm trying to connect from…
Freedome (or Openvpn?) and firewall question..
When i turn my firewall on in my cable modem/router, Freedome takes very long to connect to servers. Like at least 30-60 seconds. But after that, it works perfectly fine. Now, when i turn the firewall in my router off - Freedome connects to server much much faster. So i want to know if Freedome (or Openvpn?) requires…
Could not verify your code error
I have just uninstalled/reinstalled Freedome on my PC and now get "Could not verify your code error" when I entered the subcription code that worked fine before reinstall. How do I fix this? Many thanks
my subscription is not working after upgrade OS :(
HI there Today, after upgrading my Mac to the latest OSX 10.11, F-Secure's Freedom (VPN) app asked me to subscribe again! So I typed down my ( one year , 3 devices ) subscription but it's telling me I have used the maximum devices. I am only using it on one device ( Mac) and have never ever used it on any other devices at…
Error with Windows and andoid versions.
I have been using freedom/ freedom beta ( with traker mapper) on my windows pc for long time. And i was satisfied with it to an extent, and so i installed freedom on my android device too. But now i am having few problems, both with pc and phone. Thats why i am sending this mail, please provide me some help. 1) problem…
About the subscription code offer
Hey guys , I have a doubt. I 've activated my 3 free codes for 1 year each for Windows. Now freedome says "xxxx" days remaining. Suppose I reinstall windows or format my pc, Am I still having those remaining days? Thanks for ur time
After installing on my iphone6 the app asks me to power off my phone because something has happened,
Is there a problem installing this on a iPhone 6 ? It won't complete the on status because of an issue that requires me to power down my iPhone and then power it back on- I do that and then start the app again and it seems to start activating, but then the error message comes back and tell me to power down my iPhone again,…
After Freedome crash I had to reinstall but subscription is not working anymore
I had to reinstall Freedome due to Freedome crash but now I can not activate my subscription anymore. I am using IOS and OSX. What do I do? I have a multi-device subscription. Charter
Can't install/open
I downloaded the latest Freedome version for Mac (I'm on Yosemite). I dragged the icon to Applications. When I open it, it needs elevated privileges and asks for my admin password. I enter the password, and then it just exits. I think - I'm not too sure it happens so quickly - I think I may see a flash of another message…
Unable to start VPN iOS 8.3
Ì am unable to start the VPN service on my iPhone running iOS 8.3. I get the message: "The VPN-Server is not responding". I portforwarded UDP 500 and UDP 4500, reinstalled the app, reinstalled the certificate. Nothing is working.
Freedome totally stops down- and uploading in iPad Air and iPhone 5
When using Freedome, latency is hundreds of milliseconds and network traffic stops. Uninstall and reinstall does not help. Versions on both 8.4 (12H143), Freedome
Freedom as illegal application
Hi F-Secure Freedom (VPN) is a illegal application in some countries. such as Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey,Saudi, .... Because people can circumvent internet filtering. as a resault internet filtering management team block f-secure website in this countries. is there any solution for stop freedom for some countries from…
Need to reactivate my Freedome
Bought my Freedome-licence 5.2.2015 from ITunesStore. Used it in my previous IPad. Sold the IPad (Freedom deleted). Now I have a new IPad and I should get the Freedom working. How to proceed?
Encryption f-secure freedome VPN
which uses VPN encryption protocols f-secure freedome and can they change? I mean: UDP, L2TP, PPTP
Where is my subscription/activation code for ios?
I've used Freedome on my ipad since Sep 2014. The subscription renewed automatically last month and I was billed via itunes. Now I'd like to use Freedome also on my iphone that uses the same itunes account. I've installed the app on my phone but now it is asking for a subscription/activation code. The problem is I don't…
Not function internet after Freedome F-secure is ON !!"HELP ME"!!
After Update to Windows 10, i instal Freedome F-Secure, but when I connect F -Secure Freedome shut down network. why? but the network icon is still ON "when Freedome F-Secure is TURN ON! no Internet connection" WHY?? You can help me F-Secure?
Freedome Bluescreen NDIS.sys on every start
I have installed Freedome on my PC but every time I try to activate it the computer shut down with a bluescreen and a hint to NDIS.SYS with a DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error. Anyone with the same problem or any suggestions how to fix the problem? The LAN and WLAN drivers are from ATHEROS and they are both up to date.
VPN Not starting -Receiving Error saying something went wrong
I was recently using this service with 77 days remaining on my free subscription. I noticed that it wasnt blocking any new tracking attempts while visiting websites. I downloaded the newest version and now the VPN wont turn on and I keep getting an error - something went wrong icon. I have since reinstalled the software…
Windows 10 problem
Hi, I am having problem with Freedome on my Windows 10 PC. The installation process of Freedome seems smooth at first, but I found out later that the driver isn't installed, there is no extra driver under my "Internet Adapter" settings. Also, I am not able to start the protection (clicking the "Start Protection" button…
Paid subscription on Google Play, but not showing on my android
I paid for a year's subscription on Google Play, confirmed the payment went through, however Freedom says I need to go to FSecuew to purchase another subscription. Please assist.
Freedome won't open after installing on Mac OS X Yosemite
I downloaded the latest Freedome version for Mac (I'm on Yosemite). I dragged the icon to Applications. When I click on th e file to open the app, it states that it needs Elevated Privileges and asks for my admin password (which I know is correct) on the next screen. I enter the password, and then nothing happens. I'm…
Freedome Subscription Codes do not work at iPhone and iPad
Hi, I have several subscription codes for Freedome at hand (from a SAFE subscription, and from an earlier purchase of a licence for 5 Freedome devices). I tried to use these codes at my apple devices after the expiration of my apple abonnement. But none of these codes work. The error message is "This ID is not valid for…
New extensions on Safari
Is it possible to know if the new ad block extensions now available on the App Store bypass or compromise my Freedome vpn? Even better- does F-secure plan on doing one of its own?) many thanks!