Please help me in properly reinstalling Freedome for Macintosh Yosemite
Hello, F-Secure Members I do not know what I have done to break my Freedome install. I think the proximate cause was reinstalling Mac OS X Yosemite and the using Mac Paw's Mac Cleaner 3 on it. I can honestly say though in this case I think it was my fault that caused the installation to malfunction. The reason being that…
Freedome Hangs When It Initializes Trial Subscription on an Android 4.4 Tablet
I am trying to use the Trial Subscription on an Android 4.4 tablet. When I click to try to protect my connection, Freedome reports it is initializing a trial subscription but hangs at that point. I want to see whether Freedome will work on my tablet.
Automatic connetion after Windows 8.1 has been in a sleep
Freedome don´t connet automatically after Windows 8.1 has been in a sleep. Avast VPN does that. That is the big shortage of Freedome. Avast has also better information in a icon are you connected or not, using x - not conected and other colour when connected. If Freedome lose connection to VPN server how Freedome operates…
Hi Can you please answer the following questions about F-Secure Freedome on Windows. 1. Why is there no Killswitch? This is a very important feature which most of your main competitors have, so can you tell me why you don't have it? And if possible, can you please create one ASAP, and let me know when will you introduce it…
Freedom Installation error
Hi When I install F-Secure Freedom (Home) I recieve this message. What can I do?
could not verify your code please try again later ?(can't use my code)
as title shows i couldnt use my code.could you please solve my problem ?
Freedome on Windows 8.1 error "No network connection"
Hi, I would like to purchase a Freedome subscription which I think is a great product, I've been testing it on my Surface Pro 3 on the 14 day free trial and it works great. I'm just checking it works with all my devices before I go ahead and sign up. On my Windows 8.1 desktop, Freedome displays the following error message,…
License reactivation
Hi I have bought a 12-month 5 device license for F-Secure Freedome. I used it on 5 devices. Then I uninstalled it from one device to use it on a new one, but I cannot activate it. Is there a way to deactivate a device or see which device is activated? Or what can I do when I change my devices? Michel
Freedome requested subscription code several times
Hi, I bought a Freedome license last week after a free trial. I entered the code and the software worked fine. After a few days the program required the code again and I re-entered it. This happened twice more with 2-3 day intervals and on the last time it didn't work anymore. Freedome said that the maximum number of…
"No network connection" on Mac OSX Freedome client when entering the code
Hi, Freedome Mac OSX lost the subscription information on version upgrade from the Beta version to the full version on last night. When I tryi to re-register using my existing code the application just shows "No network connection"-dialog and exits. What to try next? The Beta version client did not have any issues and now…
Cannot connect to WiFi after updating Freedome for Android
Google Play store had an update available for Freedome today, which I promptly installed. After that my phone was unable to connect to my home WiFi. After uninstalling Freedome, phone was able to immediately connect to WiFi.
Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome and try again.
I cannot use freedome ipad app. When pressing the "on" button, the following error appears: "Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome and try again." One time, a second error was displayed additionally to the usual error: "Could not connect to the server. Check your Internet connection and try again. Error code =…
Subscription not working
Hi, I have a 12 month 3 device subscription. I got a new laptop, replacing my old one, but when I enter my subscription code I get an error: "Could not verify your code. Please try again later" Is this because I used 3 devices already? And if so how can I remove the old laptop from my list of devices to replace it with the…
How to update Freedome.
As an F-Secure product, I would personally trust Freedome more than other VPN providers. But it lacks the ability to update its software. It must become out of date and useless after a period of time if its not updated regularly. Please advise me shall there be a way to update it that I am not aware of. I am currently…
Freedome - Android reinstall
I've been reinstalling my phone now for 2-3 times and now I'm not able to use the code anymore I have for Freedome. Is there a procedure how to still continue using it?
Hello, why can't I use share-online.biz anymore? A few days back that was no problem but now the connection is getting blocked all the time. I am connected to the german server in Sachsen.
How to get Freedome verified???
Started a six months free subskription eight weeks ago, never got it running depending on driver issues. Today I managed to download appropriate drivers and whoops it started to wake up. I was informed that it had expired, funny I thought, but I made a new subscription an payed for one year for five units. Couldn´t get it…
code doesn't work after reinstallation
Every time I use your update, Freedome doesn't work anymore. So I have to re-install it, but now, I cannot use my code anymore ("Dein Code konnte nicht verifiziert werden. Bitte versuchen es später erneut."). Could you fix this, please?
reinstalling freedome f secure
hello i purchased freedome f secure on my computer i unfortunately had to reboot my pc and had to reinstall the program again .i have a code and reference number but doesnt work can you help please leo
Beta ended. I have a code. BUT THERE IS NO PLACE TO ENTER IT!!!! help!
The freedome beta on my mac ended. I purchsed a code. I read in the email receipt when buying the code that I shall enter it on the subscription page of the program. THIS DOES NOT WORK or is not usabiltiy-tested. Because all there is is a large button "subscribe now" that takes me to a website. WHere can I enter the code!…
freedome hangs after i try to connect with the dialoge box freedome, error, something went wrong
Hello, I try to get freedome running on my sony vaio with windows 8.1 but i keep getting the same error -something went wrong- with the option to run a diagnostic program i didnt find the same error in your community pages. can someone check this diag file for me and tell me what goes wrong please
Network & Internet speed
What do you mean Freedom Secure may effect network? My internet speed is slow now and it's nothing to do with the provider as they said the router and on their side internet speed is fine. Please help, thank you.
Regarding my subscription
I reset my phone and now F Secure asks me to pay for my Freedom subscription again! Please advise how I can continue existing subscription on this phone again now that I have reset my phone...thank you.
Can i use legal BitTorrent through Freedome VPN in the EU
I've read thet in some countrys you have to block Bittorrent because of the DMCA, but what about when i choose for example the finnish Server? Are there any restrictions?
Saying that Freedome is expired when it shouldn't be!
Hi, I get the message that my application Freedome is expired!But i paid 289 sek for a yearly subscription om may 15, 2015. What shall I do? Regards Ola
Unpatched vulnerability in F-Secure Freedome version 1.0.1565.0
Secunia PSI shows that a component in F-Secure Freedome has an unpatched vulnerability but patches are available from the affected vendor (it is a component of Freedome). If an admin needs more information, they can eiter reply or message me. I was told all support for Freedome is community based.
Verification errors on all devices
As the title implies, I'm having issues getting my subscription verified on any device. There's two ios8 devices and an osx machine, etc. Getting "Could not verify, try again later" on all. What is this error? Editing to update that it's fixed now. Temporary error thankfully.
Better activation solution for F-Secure Freedome
From the forum posts, internet posts, and user reviews it seems that one thing is very apparent. There is a major need for a better activation solution for F-Secure Freedome. Currently, if your HDD crashes, or you need to re-install Windows, or you upgrade to Windows 10 (coming up in July), or even if an F-Secure Freedome…
i am having error when i try to inter the supscrotion cod
each time i enter the supscrption cod i get this messege"could not verify your code .please try again later "
The vpn worked for one day now blocks my internet signsl
I had this vpn for a day on ios 8.1.3 now it says internet signal not being received. Can any one tell me how to fix this i have uninstalled and reinstalled the app and confederation