"No network connection" on Mac OSX Freedome client when entering the code

Freedome Mac OSX lost the subscription information on version upgrade from the Beta version to the full version on last night. When I tryi to re-register using my existing code the application just shows "No network connection"-dialog and exits.
What to try next? The Beta version client did not have any issues and now I'm not able to use my subscription.
Hello Harri99,
In order to make sure all traces of the Beta version are gone, please proceed to uninstall as follows:
-Remove Freedome from /Applications.
- Delete the folders "/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome" and "~/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome"
-Remove "Your F-Secure Freedome Key" from your login keychain (it's in Passwords category).
-Reinstall the latest version available here.