no protection on my pc
my fsecure safe is always postponed by windows 10 and I can't start it in any way. Help me to fix the problem please
Hello I require the use of MT4 for day trading the markets however F-Secure does not allow this. Could you please rectify this ASAP Regards Edward Webber
It won't allow me to change the email address on my account. I dont have access to this email account anymore and therefore cannot renew my subscription. Don't want my details being emailed to an address that I dont have access to anymore and someone else possibly might.
Temporarily close internet connection
Anuone know if it's possible to temporarily close ( block ) the internet connection in F Secure Safe but retain access to files on my LAN ? At the moment I can only disable the network adaptor but that then blocks LAN access too. I'm running Windows 10 Thanks
Can i install SAFE without internet connection ?
Hi support team! i have 2 questions would like to refer you 1. Can i install SAFE without internet connection? with the current version is can not but i know that we will have new version 3.7 soon, so cound new version can support it ? 2. Can i update SAFE without internet (update virus database) - can i download the file…
Parental Control Huawei - incompatible
Hi, There are posts in forums like "Parental Control Huawei" and resolution links to Freedom - I assume that Safe is not compatible with Huawei (at least Honor 7 Lite / NEM-L21 (EMUI 4.1 / Android 6.0))? You can set all power saving features to make sure that Safe is protected (which is the usual problem), but still it…
SAFE can't be installed
I'm trying to install SAFE on my Windows Vista, but when I try to run F-Secure-Safe-Network-Installer_171tjemornuzv_.exe, nothing happens. Can't run it as administrator, either.
F-Safe anti-virus product
I just purchased a new one-year F-Safe anti-virus program and would like to know: 1. Why it does not function in Safe Mode with Networking, 2. Why F-Safe does not seem to provide any email address for customer support, 3. Also, F-Safe uninstalled my existing Pand Antivirus and Microsoft Security Essentials program but left…
Licenses disappear from "My Secure" ( ??? )
I had 3 licenses ended January 2017. I bought another one today for a new computer and.... . Now I have only one license on My Secure ( ??? ) and unprotected computers.... Any idea? Regards Marcin
problems emailing reply to customercare
I have recently had need of seeking support after spending many hours on the phone and PC to try and resolve some issues I was requested to do a F secure diagnostics and email it as attachment as no address was given for this I assumjed that a reply message and attachment should be sent on the customer care email it was…
Disinstallare f secure safe
Disinstallare f secure safe
cant install safe secure on laptop
My sons laptop has had safe secure installed previously but started saying it wasnt turned on. Tried to turn on but error message coming up. I then tried to uninstall and reinstall as per the instructions but when i click on the download an error box comes up saying the setup cannot be completed as some files are missing.…
SPAM mail message
Hi, the other day I received the e-mail copied below. Is this generated and sent by F-Secure Safe? I don’t recognize the mail format as being according to the messages I normally get from F-Secure Safe Was the SPAM mail sent from the Latvian mail address? or is this from a F-Secure office? Is “Datorskydd” the same as…
F secure Safe and freedome
I am new to F secure. I bought a f Secure Total security and Privacy (1 year, 5 devices )from a retail store . i have a macbook i did register to an account as mentioned in the box. I cant find campaign name anywhere on the box , I have the subscription key but i am not able to key it in. rigth now when i login it says i…
From Trial to Retail Subscription
Hello-ho-ho! So 3 weeks back I went for F-Secure SAFE Trial. Today I bought F-Secure Retail Key in store, where I work and now Im wondering - how the hell am I supposed to activate it? Following the in-box instructions doenst help, so Im here asking You all help!
Extent of Browsing Protection
Hi everyone My set-up is as follows: * Windows 7 32-bit * F-Secure Internet Security 16.3 I make use of the Browsing Protection component of F-Secure Internet Security which is useful to ensure that unsafe sites are not inadvertantly accessed. However, I also contribute to open source coding projects, some of which through…
F secure renewal via Virgin
Hi, I have just renewed my subscription with you and paid £79.99. However went I went to my pc, it said I could have renewed for £25 as I am aVirgin customer. Is there a possibility you could refund the difference to me please? Kind Regards Keith Jones
F-Secure Safe subscription renewal without Campaign Code
Dear F-Secure Community, I had purchased for myself approximately 12 months ago a subscription to F-Secure Safe but at the time I had an active subscription running on my pc. Well the time has arrived to renew the subscription but I am unable to do so via the portal as I have a code but not the Campaign Code that the…
F-Secure Internet Security Verlängerung
Referenznummer: xxxxxx Abonnementschlüssel: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich besitze eine Lizenz für „F-Secure Internet Security“ Verlängerung bis 03.102017. Laut „Mein Abonnement“ sind alle drei Lizenzen belegt: Lizenz 1: ID 9f1bc9 (das ist wohl mein aktueller Rechner) Lizenz 2: ID 490416 Lizenz…
New SSD, how to (re)install SAFE?
Hello, i have crashed my ssd. So i had to bought a new one. I have a SAFE licence until 05.09.2018, how can i install the SAFE utility on my new ssd? Greetings
How do I change my address on f secure
Unable to extend license with less devices.
Hi, I've been using F-Secure SAFE for a year now, and I'm very happy with the results. Not a big impact on my machine, while getting premium protection. Unfortunately my subscription has run out, giving me a chance to think about the amount of licenses I need and extending the subscription with that amount. However, I am…
Adding a device to My Safe that already has SAFE installed?
When renewing my subscription for another year of F-Secure SAFE, I noticed that the devices I added a year ago were gone from the My Safe-account (which was mentioned in another post too). I didn't mind adding them again, but it got a bit tricky and I wonder if I could have solved it differently? When wanting to renew my…
Wrongly accussed harmful website
Hi There, One of our websites is coming up as harmful on F-secure. The website is https: //www .buchannanmarquees.co.uk/. Could you check this for us please. Thanks, Reece EDIT: Remove hyperlink
Browsing protection Chrome extension missing from Chrome Web Store
It seems that the Browsing protection Chrome extension has gone missing from the Chrome Web Store. I recently installed SAFE on a mid-2014 MacBook Pro running OS X El Capitan 10.11.4. SAFE constantly nags me about the browser extension not being installed, but when I click the notification and the Web Store opens in…
Compatibility with Hyper-v in Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607
F-secure Safe blocks hyper-v virtual machines from starting in Windows 10 Anniversary Update (via the local hyper-v feature built into Windows 10) unless you enable deepguard compatibility mode (i.e. decrease the level of system security). Please could you fix this to make F-secure Safe compatible with Windows 10…
Renewal of F-Secure
I am a virgin media customer and have been invited to renew my subscription. The e-mail states the payment will be £25.00 however when I go through to renewal it states the payment will be £79.99. Please advise how I can receive my discount.
Banking Protection application exceptions
Is there a way I can add applications to an exception list so they are not blocked by Banking Protection? I work from home and use some simple applications that my company have written that are beyond reproach when it comes to security but these are getting blocked out every time I used Banking Protection and have to be…
How to add two subscrition keys to my f-secure account
I have bought two subscription keys to get 8 licenses for my PC'sand smartphones. How can I add the second key to my f-secure account since I only find options on renewing and not adding a subscription.
f-secure display issue
Banking protection always display the menu in the top right hand corner.