Renewal of account
I just bought a 12 month license for F-secure and started a F-secure Safe account to start with which is free until 27.01.17 . How can I syncronise the 2 accounts. I would like to use the license I bought.
After SAFE installation some applications won't start
Hi, After upgrading F-Secure Internet Security to SAFE, some applications did not start anymore including SAFE itself. SAFE seemed to work in background (services), but could not open SAFE UI (nothing happened). Also could not open Windows File Explorer or some other applications. This PC has been upgraded from Win7 to…
Computor not protected!
Hi All, I have got the above message along with 'virus protection not up to date'. I have tried to do a virus scan but all I got was 0% done for about 20 minutes. Tried to contact support team but apparently they only work Mon to Fri and not on bank holidays (lucky them!). Now I dare not use my laptop, what do I do? ps.…
Support Firefox
Hi Support Firefox browser in your mobile security It is one of pupolar browsers Thank you
F-Secure icon
I've just reinstalled Windows 10 on my desktop pc and the F-Secure product icon is no longer on my desktop. How do I reinstate it?
F Secure Safe Renewed, but F secure still says "You are not protected""
I purchased a new laptop and installed F Secure SAFE for a 1 month trial period which has now expired. I purchased F Secure Safe and changed my password - but the F Secure on my computer is still saying that I am not proteced. I have restarted my computer, also logged into my F Secure account to check that the payment has…
SAFE Login issue
Paid for some time ago but has never worked properly. I thought I would have another go. Downloads OK but does not log in correctly.Please activate from your end and start subscription from date of activation. If unable to activate please return subscription. Regards Jeremy Wright EDIT:TITLE
Banking protection no longer working in Firefox after re-install of Internet Security
Hi, After a windows update I was forced to re-install Internet Security because I couldn't open the F-Secure menu in the task bar anymore by right clicking. Now the Banking and Browsing Protection does no longer work - the debug information provided by Firefox suggests that some sort of Windows Service seems to be missing.…
Considering giving up on F-Secure products due to critical usabilty issues
F-Secure is perhaps the best AV solution in the world but it has certain problems I just cannot cope with: 1) During each updates F-Secure overwrite pretty much all the files under C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\SAFE\apps\ComputerSecurity\Anti-Virus\aquarius\core I believe this process could be improved and streamlined so…
Renew SAFE but with less licences
Hi, I am hoping you can help me. I need to renew my subscription for SAFE. I currently have 5 licences but only actually need 3. I was hoping on the renew page I would be able to choose different packages but can't. I also hoped that i could buy a new 3 licence pack but when entering my email address it tell me to log in…
Unable to reduce devices and renew
Hi, i have created a F secure account a month ago for the trial session and it has then expired. So now i have bought a new internet package for 1 device, however i am unable to renew it as it says that "this campaign has ended" whenever i try to type in the related info and the code given. i realize that i have to buy 3…
Exclude objects on mounted volume
Hello, I just struggled for quite a while to exclude a directory from real-time and manual scan, and finally figured out how to do it. There does not appear to be any recent questions on this issue, so I thought I should fix that. I. Issue There is one file that SAFE kept deleting as soon as it was created, citing some…
Virgin Customer - Incorrect License Expiry Date showing on Android Device
I have just taken Virgin service and installed F-Secure safe on my laptop and android device. The laptop is showing the correct subscription, but the android device is showing that the service is expires on 13/01/2017. I have checked, and everything is showing as installed correctly, but to be safe, I deleted the…
How do I delete my F-Secure account for my iPhone?
I downloaded F-Secure Safe for my iPhone the other day, but I really don't feel I have a need for it.
Hi, my F-Secure keeps finding the same 2 malware files but says that I need to delete them 'manually'. They are not held in quarantine so where do I find them please? Result: 2 malware found Application:W32/Spigot (C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\Search Protection\Uninstall.exe\stream_2.bin) *…
F-SECURE SAFE: Browse Fox not spotted - How do I remove it?
Using Windows 10 and Edge browser, I seem to have acquired Browse Fox which is causing lots of frustration. SAFE doesn't spot it - yet it seems this malware has been around for years. Don't get any hits by searching F-Secures help areas. Any ideas on what I can do to remove it please? The tips on the web don't seem to be…
Constant pop-up telling me my subscription is expiring. (SAFE)
So I have one day left on my subscription and I'm just waiting for the e-mail bill to arrive so i can renew for another year. Now F-Secure is sending me a pop up every minute with the most annoying sound in the world telling me about the expiration date. EVERY MINUTE. WHY?! I have looked through every setting and I just…
Student subscription
Hello, I need to renew my sub, and my school offers discounted price, can I add that discount on existing account upon renewal or do i need to create new acoount?
wrong blocked Web Site
Hi there! Want to report or white list a web site, which should no longer be blocked by F-Secure: www.muhr-seit1666.at Tnx!
Uninstalled F-secure now my browser doesn't work
Hi there! Just uninstalled the programme on my laptop (Mac) and now when I open Safari it wont let me load any pages because Safari can't find the programme to open a x-fs-bp-query: What do I do?
key assistance
I've lost my key assistance.
F-Secure Browsing Security screwed up my Firefox installation again & again!
This really has been a terrible nuisance and a terrible waste of time!! Read all about it here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1143376 It seems related to this topic: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Solved-SAFE-reverts-Firefox/m-p/88009
start up pop up
Hi is there a way of disabling the pop up at the start "YOUR COMPUTER IS PROTECTED" Thanks for your help
f-secure safe keeps telling me not protected
keeps coming up not protected so go on my f-secure subscription valid 1/12/2017 so why keep telling not protected have tried to install on this computer download press run unable to connect to server check internet there is nothing wrong with my internet Tony
F Secure SAFE iPhone virus scan??
Hi, Is there a way to conduct a virus scan on an iPhone with F-Secure's SAFE? I realise is possible on the Android app but not on the Apple one. Thanks
I need to check about upgrade of SAFE
Hi F-Secure team ! My customer want to use SAFE for their 20 devices, but all devices connect to internet through firewall and correct port. They want to check: Which port SAFE need to open on firewall to upgrade database or connect to internet? other wise they don't know which port so they can't config it and use SAFE for…
Unable to activate software from existing account
I have purchased a years subscription for SAFE but I already have an account. Site would not allow me to activate the software from the existing account. Seems to be a bit of a con as renewing within my account costs considerably more. Is this my reward for being a loyal customer?
Remove F-Secure Account
Hi, I need to create new account, becouse on my existing account I cant renew licence by using a pre-paid campain key - Its only option for on-line renewal, but I allready bought voucher for 3 devices. I like to remove exiting my existing account f-secure account. Pleas help my resolve this problem. Regards EDIT: Title
Windows 10 Freezes when starting Cleanup Tool
Hi, I have a problem where my PC freezes with no input fron mouse or Kbrd and has to go through hard power shutdown. it looks like its when the program gets to audiodg.exe file. is there anyway to get around this?
Your security subscription expires in 5 days notification won't go away
My (VirginMedia provided) subscription ends in the next few days. We are getting on several machines the following notification constantly.....which is annoying. Anyone any ideas how to get rid of it. I don't recall this happening last year......