F-SECURE SAFE: Browse Fox not spotted - How do I remove it?

Using Windows 10 and Edge browser, I seem to have acquired Browse Fox which is causing lots of frustration. SAFE doesn't spot it - yet it seems this malware has been around for years. Don't get any hits by searching F-Secures help areas. Any ideas on what I can do to remove it please? The tips on the web don't seem to be usable.
(As an aside, I'm new to F-Secure. Just given up after 35 minutes hanging on to their phone help line. Wasn't keen on pursuing their "chat" service which seems to link to a 3rd party site who may want to take control of my machine - not too keen on that in any case, but especially if I don't know about that company... Is their Help service always like this?)
Thanks, LesB
Hi Les,
I think because Browse Fox seems to be adware / PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program), F-Secure wouldn't have treated it as a virus, as technically, it isn't a threat, just an annoyance, but obviously, this needs removing from your machine. Personally, I wish F-Secure was more comprehensive in removing this type of nuisance software, but fortunately, there are alternatives, which are dedicated to dealing with problems of this nature. I would recommend that you download and run each of the free programs below, either of which should hopefully clean your machine of Browse Fox, and any other adware which may have snuck in. Let us know how you get on.
https://www.malwarebytes.com/ -
Hi LesB,
I appreciate that you have brought up your questions regarding the chat and phone support. The chat support is indeed provided by F-Secure directly (and not by any third party website); our support agents assist the customers via chat to their queries. Regarding the phone support, I am suspecting there might have been a high volume of call which resulted in the waiting line.
I am sorry for your experience but we are here to help if you need any support in the future.