My Beta FS Protection is not protecting me as per the status on the FS Protection portal.
Hi Fellow Macintosh Beta testers, I have the latest update to FS protection Macintosh installed. I then want through the FS protection portal to download the software at https://safeavenue-tp.sp.f-secure.com . I then realized when I clicked on it my device which is a Mac Mini said still in big red letters that this device…
I have installed Windows 8.1 and Android KitKat
Hi: I have installed Windows 8.1 and Android KitKat fs protection and both work well, I like the Android Safe Browser. I feel that the Android version uses more resources than the Windows version, but this could be the nature of my Android Tablet Asus MemoPad ME176CX (k013) memory config. I will continue using both, but…
Christmash theme? Can you make if you have time :D
It would be nice if you update the f-secures theme from time to time
Windows Phone 8.1 beta testing
Hi, is there a date when FSP will be ready for testing on Windows Phones? Regards.
How can i add windows phone 8 safe browser to my account?
Currently i cant add it to my fs protection. http://mobile.f-secure.com/
TP127 Windows client release
FS Protection PC Release 127 * Launch pad 2.27 build 365 * Antivirus 14.127 build 100 * Browsing protection 2.127 build 3056 New features Common * "Product timeline" window is now re-sizable. * "Check for updates" window now has the "View details" link that opens the Common settings/Updates page. Note that the link text is…
FSIS 2014 TP 2.11 build 326 - after about 2 hours, the network seams not to answer \\server\share
Hi have tried this for some days, and have to reboot up to 3 times a day. The network services like shared folder from server dont answer, ny colleges work fine. After restart, everything works fine, and after about 2 hours, some network services again, seams that the forewall blocks somehow ? The Firefow /IE seems to…
Jaki wpływ ma aplikacja na żywotność baterii.?!
where do I find....
commands such as "scan my computer" "scan drive whatosever" ?
more flexible
F-secure meets most my needs, I am running Technical preview 10 and still have trouble stopping f-secure from blocking, quarentine or removing files I know are not dangerous or files I want to keep. I have used the location exclusion and f-secure stills checks there. There should be an ignore or forget setting. Other than…
F-Secure Beta Experience on Windows 8.1
What I liked about the Beta so far is that the interface is simple and straight forward. The gaming mode feature is a plus. The banking protection feature was great, easy and straight forward with everything automated. The online browsing protection worked great warning me about potential malicious sites. The browser…
Small bug/issue on Windows 10
It seems that Windows 10 thinks F-secure beta isint update and shows this warning message even thou F-secure is updated. Not sure if the bug is in Windows 10 or in F-secure?
Problems with FS Protection Portal
Hi, Unfortunately we currently have an issue with the FS Protection portal. It is possible to log in, but some options are not working once logged in. We are currently seeing an error message saying "Error (1000) - An error occurred. please try again or contact support". We are working on resolving the issue as soon as…
FS Protection Beta tester
FS Protection I am getting false trojan readings. This is happening with certian install programs When I download the install software for System Mechanic 11.7 Professional. I get a false reading, then it is quarintined.....smpro_dm.exe Name: Gen:Trojan.Heur.GZ.COX@biCQVwq File: N:\System Mechanic 11\smpro_dm.exe Size: 448…
TP126 Windows Client Release
fs protection 2.23 build 296 If the above is correct, TP126 is installed on my machine, but without any upgrade prompt. I only noticed it had upgraded because the icons have changed. Will this be the procedure for future upgrades?
Latest Update
Hi hope I'm doing this right...With the latest update loaded it said there were problems with anti-virus and browser so I checked the website link on the bottom where downloaded items are and looked on the popup screen and it said everything was running. Is there any other place I should look or don't worry about it? Thanks
Nice that you made halloween theme. Other themese in the future?
Also i have been complaning this for couple of years now please make more themes and let us users choose what theme to use
TP125 Windows client release
Hi A new version, TP125, of Windows client was just released. TP124 was skipped and never released to beta. * Launch pad 2.23 build 296 * Antivirus 14.125 build 100 * Browsing protection 2.125 build 3008 New features Antivirus * Improvements in license expiry and renewal scenarios Browsing Protection * If user's default…
better to have an option to set the frequency of update
cannot find any option to choose the frequency of fs secure update. now the product updates once an hour. I hope can have an option to choose the update period, such as 6hours, 12 hours, 1day. ususally no need to update too many times one day.
Change of email address of My FS Protection Portal
Hi, I was wondering if an email address of My FS Protection Portal (https://safeavenue-tp.sp.f-secure.com/iframe/-sso/fs_protection/) could be changed, because I don't have access to the old email anymore so if I need to reset the password, it may be a problem. Thanks
FSP made his computer no response when firefox invoked IDM
Hello NikK Glad to see you again! @NikK My friend used FSP with his WIN 7(x64bit) computer,but he complained that FSP made his computer no response when firefox invoked IDM(Internet Download Manager),no-response made he have to shut off computer,he tried two times,all failed. He tried to uninstall FSP,no-response not…
fs Protection for Mac won't check for updates under Yosemite
fs Protection for Mac was working fine under Mavericks. When I upgraded to Yosemite, I keep getting a message that the server couldn't be reached (Check your connection and try again). All other Interenet applications are working normally, there are no proxies in the way. Suggestions, please? Walt
Suggestions for phone Anti-theft (wipe/erase)
This is regarding the phone wipe option with the Anti-theft. I was using an Android 4.4.2 and felt like I had to play with the anti-theft options. I wiped my phone just to see what would happen two days ago, I just noticed today that nothing on the SD card was removed. Currently the only thing which resides in my SD card…
F-Secure on Windows 10 Preview
Hi Any luck doing F-Secure with Windows 1 preview??? http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview F-Secure still need to release their own firewall!
Can't install fs protection
I've installed the control panel, but FS Protection isn't installed. I click on Install, and get a box "Downloading and upgrading components. Please wait.". I've let this run literally overnight and then some. Windows 8.1 64 bit. No idea what other information I'd need to provide. Any suggestions? Thanks.
TP123 Windows client release
Hello A new version of Windows client was released. * Launch pad 2.23 build 296 * Antivirus 14.123 build 101 * Browsing protection 2.122 build 2915 New features Common: * Removed Device ID information from client, since that does not match Safe portal device name and is confusing * New icon for upgrade (visible only in…
Please help! I have a Virus!
I ran the FS Protection, full computer scan late last night when I was finished online, as I do every night. When I awoke this morning the report says it found a virus. I followed the prompts and did the recommended (automatic) but it said it couldn't clean it or something similar. Something to the fact that it was in an…
Password for Browsing Protection of FS Protection
Hello, I need to set a password to protect parental control (blocking content or Browsing protection in general). I do not want to create additional restricted accounts. When FSP blocked some adult site - the child can put exception alone without limitations...
F-Secure Internet Security latest version
I notice that I no longer get the pop-up Safe Banking when I access the majority of my banking sites. I have 4 web addresses for banking and only one of these does the pop up activate. Please advise.
Windows activation and missing display drivers problems
Hello all beta users! We have received multiple reports of Windows starting to require activation and/or missing display drivers after reboot. We are investigating the problem but so far no breakthrough with it. If you run into these problems, please submit a bug report to us with support tool output. We need all possible…