Is Win 10 supported by F-Secure Ultralight Anti-Virus beta
Is Win 10 supported by F-Secure Ultralight Anti-Virus beta? That would be a fresh install with no previous F-Secure installs. P.S. Don't see Win 7 32 on the list either. Is that still not supported?
FS Ultralight AV flags steam server status as malicious url
I have noticed that Ultralight AV flagged steam as a malicious url when I start it. This is only to check the steam server status so I had to tag it as safe or else steam would generate errors. Has anyone noticed that? I have to make steam a safe app in order to run it. Just curious.
Deep Guard Application monitor
Hi: I am using fs protection 16.1 and have the following question: Is there way to add an applicative manually to the "Deep Guard" Monitor? If yes, how do I add it? If no, why not? I would be nice If one could add an applicator of choice, Thank you Mario
TP146 Windows client release
FS Protection PC Release 146 * Common Component Framework 2.46 build 196 * Antivirus 14.146 build 100 * Browsing protection 2.145 build 3520 New features Common: * High DPI dialog scaling support enabled. Please note that due to limitations of Qt library, only 100%, 200%, 300%, 400% and 500% scaling are supported. (So 125%…
fs protection - browser extension feedback
Just some feedback regarding the FS Protection beta. I followed the process to do the client install on my OSX Yosemite laptop. At the point where the chrome and safari extensions are installed, the process simply redirected each browser to the estension, installed it, and then referenced some text on the page that says…
FS Protection installers for Android
Just wondering... Wanted to install FS protection on android and was looking for the installer. Not in Tools on FS Protection, just for WIndows Not on My FS Protection Though the Overview on FS Protection says that All the installers can be found there. Well, you could argue that Add a device implies that you want to…
F-Secure Booster
Is there also at the moment an Beta test for F-Secure Booster ?
My FS Protection for iOS -- Not Available in U.S.
Generated safeavenue My FS Protection installer link for iOS devices from My FS Protection ("Install on another device"). Response in App Store for both iPhone and iPad is the same: "Item Not Available... not currently available in the U.S. store."
Re: Protection malfunction - restart computer
I've had the issue twice in two days now, with the FS Protection beta. I've raised a bug report and am awaiting some feedback from that. Bit annoying as I was in the middle of a big backup and didn't want to reboot, but also didn't want to continue with protection disabled. Hope to find an answer to this soon.
fs protection
@Ville Soon, my fs protection ended. I have two weeks left. This is always renewed, but sometimes it went wrong. Because we leave a few weeks... could you please renew it now for me allready?
FS Protection and manual scanning
Seems that manual scan (fshoster32.exe) uses only one CPU on multi-core hardware. Platform: W7 64bit. A lot of free capacity. Elapsed times could be much shorter if all hw capacity could be used. Any comments on that?
Windows Phone, cant install FS Protection
FS Protection on Windows Phone 8.1 Hi, I sent sms to my phone to install FS Protection on it. Received sms with link, link opens correctly and the target site identifies my device as Windows Phone correctly. But, when pressing Continue I get redirected to the address http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/mseea/fi_FI/home…
Choose what to scan - menu option gone?
My recollection is that in TP there was a menu option choose what to scan. Is that correct? and if there was when was it removed. I did use that for manual scan as on my systems with 2- 4 Gigs of mass storage the full computer scan would take days if if completes. I am aware the there is the right click option in Explorer.…
FS Protection - Banking Protection
It would be nice to see some kind of lock down browser for banking protection and also any website you might make a purchase on with the option to lock down that web site for both windows and mac users.
Hi, my license only have 18 days left, the beta key, will be extended again? thanks in advance
I'd like to see back again the section for feature request in beta portal
I am part of the beta program of F-secure for almost 5 years now, and I'm glad to helped you over these year. At the beggining, the beta portal (beta.f-secure.com) looked very old-fashioned, but it has been changed from the beginning. But I didn't like a thing in particular of the new beta portal: why did you remove the…
@VilleI have received an email from F-Secure to test the Freedome Beta. I have myself suscribed for this beta :) . When do i received the email for Freedome from you???
Slow server response
Server download is horribly slow. I have checked with 3 different lines, still can't get more than 150Kps downloading clients. Location: Stockholm.
TP145 Windows Client Release
FS Protection PC Release 145 * Common Component Framework 2.45 build 273 * Antivirus 14.142 build 100 * Browsing protection 2.145 build 3520 Fixed issues Common: * Rare hang in shutdown (CTS-96605) * Check for updates dialog and common settings out of sync and timestamp is sometimes wrong (CTS-96551) * Setup blocks Windows…
Just upgraded to windows 10
I have just upgraded to windows 10 and my F-Secure seems to have stopped running and F-secure does not want to run. Any ideas?
FS Protection for Mac build 15597 (1.0.1114)?
I have recently signed up for the FS Protection beta. I somehow have build 15597 of the Mac client but I don't see this build mentioned anywhere on the forums or have a sticky thread annoucing the release. Is this verson legit as it doesn't install properly. I have submitted a bug report.
Some feedback on FS Protecton for Windows.
I just installed FS Protection to test it out a bit and its not really any different from last years F-Secure software so I was a little bummed, some colors are slightly different and a new tray icon, anyway. I'd love if you finally got rid of the awful Widnows 7 caption buttons and replaced them with Windows 10 buttons,…
BETA features on imgur.com/ triggering JS:Trojan.JS.Agent.KU message from fs Protection
The image sharing community imgur is trying some beta features, which are triggering a JS:Trojan.JS.Agent.KU message from fs Protection. I am not really sure what these beta features on imgur are but I enabled it last night and the fs Protection message started popping up tonight (no fs protection message last night). I…
Banking Protection not activating for 2 bill payment sites
I have 2 Bill Payment sites that the Banking Protection doesn't activate for. I have Window's 7 pro OS and use the latest version of Firefox browser. The 1st site is Verizon ....…
TP144 Windows client release
FS Protection PC Release 144 * Common Component Framework 2.44 build 134 * Computer Security 14.142 build 100 * Browsing protection 2.139 build 3446 Fixed issues Common: * Upgrade download progress indicator stuck at 0% for a long time (CTS-95306) Note This upgrade is delivered as non-interactive for all TP142 users.…
TP142 Windows Client Release
FS Protection PC Release 142 * Common Component Framework 2.42 build 189 * Computer Security 14.142 build 100 * Browsing protection 2.139 build 3446 New features Common: * Qt library updated to version 5.4.2 Antivirus: * New look and feel for Scan Wizard. For manual scanning, the Scan Wizard has been trough major user…
Good useful section. Thanks
Thank you for the good useful section
License renewed / extended
@Ville Dear Ville, My license expires in a few days end. Normally get this on time automatically renewed / extended. But in this case is not so. Could you make sure that this extended word again? My gratitude is very large. Greetings, Marcel. ps. I was just wondering, when are well actually say the new things added to the…
E-mail up-date
A. Think I know the answer but want to verify. B. Changed internet providers. B.1. Internet e-mail address no longer active. C. Cannot find way to update my.F-Secure.com e-mail address. C.1. Is there a way to update my existing my.F-Secure.com e-mail address or do I have to create a new account. D. I visualize many issues…
TP139 Windows Client Release
FS Protection PC Release 139 * Common Component Framework 2.39 build 268 * Antivirus 14.139 build 100 * Browsing protection 2.139 build 3444 New features Common: * Help updated to match the license handing with fs protection portal Antivirus: * DNS Hijack prevention. You can receive notifications if your network tries to…