Windows Phone 8.1 beta testing

Just wondering that they advertise in youtube that Windows phone is in all devices. All though beta isint even out yet
Sorry for reply.
But for Windows Phone should be (long time and same with iOS maybe) something around Safe Browser.
Such as ->
Maybe youtube video about current one realization (and about potential something fresh and new).
I bet Windows Phone could already profit from an AntiVirus Protection. If F-Secure would able to release Safe for Windows Phone in the near future, they could be the first company to release an Internet Security Suite on Windows Phone market.
In addition to the planned desktop version of Freedome, it would be nice to have that tool on Windows Phone, too. Since Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 use pretty much the same kernel and code basis it shouldn't be too difficult to release it on both platforms.
It's maybe can be good feature. But not sure... that F-Secure able to detect any "VALID" keyloggers (which can be) - because it's can be "safe" (as valid software)..... and with current meaninge feature can be not really helpful.
Such as... all other "keyloggers" (if it possible under Windows Phone) should be detected as malicious (which probably F-Secure not able to do now) or "as rogue".
And here can be good feature..... as prevention against rogue application under Windows Phone.
Something between "App Permissions" and "Freedome beta" (for Android platform) with something additional - which will be specifical for Windows Phone. Or some kind of more "feedback"-based with users maybe. Such as addition to cloud-protection, security-cloud reputation...... also user-feedback-based reputation for Windows Phone about various meanings. As additional to any tools, which maybe alread planned....
Sorry for my reply.
Sorry for current questions. It will be without some of other dreams yet.
Just want to ask... what about any plans with FS Protection (SAFE Browser) for Windows Phone 8.1?
It will be with any updates/upgrades/improving-points or new features?! Or will be just as solution from "check-list".
Such as... on current time... it's around normal realization, but with some of "trouble-points" (around "using"), some of missing features, some of strange-points (when it probably works not as design).... and current "some of" things... created situation, when it's can be not really "better and more safe", than default Internet Explorer.