TP129 Windows client release

FS Protection PC Release 129
- Launch pad 2.29 build 187
- Antivirus 14.129 build 101
- Browsing protection 2.127 build 3056
Please note: When upgrading from TP127 a dialog early in the upgrade process has placeholder graphics and missing localizations. This is a problem in TP127 and will not happen again.
New features
- About box now contains simple product version (e.g. 15.2) at the top
Fixed issues
- Installation pending for reboot blocks opening GUI (CTS-95758)
- License terms link starts straight from the text (fr-CA) (CTS-95755)
- Installer title does not fit (pl) (CTS-95754)
- Privacy statement link doesn't fit the window (da, hu, ro) (CTS-95753)
- Privacy policy title doesn't fit the tab (da, ro) (CTS-95752)
- No icon for "Connecting to the update server" (CTS-95728)
- UAC shield does not reflect elevation requirement in "Accept and install" (CTS-95722)
- Upgrade fails on Windows XP (CTS-95717)
- Action Center has lost the banner (CTS-95707)
- "Uninstall all" does not uninstall all (CTS-95706)
- "View my subscription"-link is visible (CTS-95698)
- Using same installer on two computers may confuse the installation (CTS-95697)
- Renew links don't always work (CTS-95695)
- Self-upgrade window not going away during upgrade (CTS-95679)
- Real-time protection participation checkbox not effective in Windows XP (CTS-95651)
- Service unavailable not handled gracefully (CTS-95646)
- Incorrect URL for "malware information" link in prompts (CTS-95674)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
I'm very happy till know with this FS protection,
everything works great.
1 - - btw.. Where can i see wich version i have? Don't know where to find TP127.. TP129...????
I know only too find the version wich this kind off number "fs protection 2.27 build 365"
2 - - And i have in the screen off FS protection all kind off christmass things..
is that away in the new version.. ?????
Because if i update normall then there is no update avaible!
Sorry for my question....
Can it's be just a my local experience!? Or "feature" about deleting/removing tracking cookies goes be dropped with new TP-release?
Does it related with meanings... that:
-> now it goes be "invisible and still work" as automatic-design;
-> or it was feature, which not really work (which always was questionable for me) and it just dropped.. because it will be without changes for protection.
-> or it's just something goes wrong with upgrade-process and tracking-cookies-removing-feature dropped randomly from UI (or re-placed about description with reasons)?!
The version TP129 is not visible anywhere in the client, it's just a codename for this beta release. You can compare the version numbers in About box to the numbers listed at the top of the release notice (above).
The Christmas theme should be removed with upgrade.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Sorry for my reply, but also there can be addition point:
For example, Banking Protection and web-traffic scanning (such as blocking malicious page) will be work with Opera browser (blink/chrome/webkit/chromium-core) and with classic Opera (presto-core) probably too.
Also it's available to manually install extension for Opera (current modern version) and get rating for search-results (etc.);
Same thing... can be with Sleipnir browser; and maybe with some other "alternative" browsers (such as local safe realizations or something as SRWare Iron.. and etc.) can be same situaiton... or can be situation, when it's not possible to get "work"-status.
Because it will be not work with Maxthon Browser, Comodo Dragon (probably) and same other things... and maybe with many of other browsers (where can be two cores/engines) based on Firefox (as example).
Anyway... does there means.. that web-traffic scanning goes be breaking with some part of not supported browsers, but with some of "not supported browsers" web-traffic goes be scanned and pages blocked or prevented to be visited.