TP125 Windows client release

A new version, TP125, of Windows client was just released. TP124 was skipped and never released to beta.
- Launch pad 2.23 build 296
- Antivirus 14.125 build 100
- Browsing protection 2.125 build 3008
New features
- Improvements in license expiry and renewal scenarios
Browsing Protection
- If user's default browser plugin is not installed or disabled, the product will warn about it in Browsing Protection main UI for each user
Fixed issues
Browsing Protection
- Non-versioned files fail to copy from MSI folder to nifbin (CTS-95324)
- Extension re-installation not working for Chrome 38 with nifbin 115 (CTS-95333)
- Safe Search customization is wrong (CTS-95056)
- Turning product on from action center - GUI will not show oas enabled (CTS-95362)
- Fsuninst.exe crash in 14.x (CTS-95331)
- CompSec shows invalid last update check time (CTS-95319)
- Fs protection Main GUI Stuck Loading (CTS-95192)
- No protection whilst upgrading according to Windows 7 (CTS-95367)
- Misleading title (CTS-95309)
- Fscataloginfo.exe SxS error (CTS-95438)
- Skipping scheduled scan not recorded to product timeline (CTS-95256)
- No visual feedback that help button is clickable (CTS-95282)
- Flyer close icon not visible in HighContrast mode (CTS-95278)
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Sorry for my reply.
Probably it's just about potential steps and situations, when license can be expired or re-get license... and how it goes.... and how it looks... and etc. For prevent random situations during strange background/settings.
But anyway.... it was already with previous TP (and now too) after re-check simply steps around license expired/renewal... you able to get expiry date on current time (such as... information, which probalby not a secret).
You can not to see it on current time (probably.. which can be "as design" and maybe should be under FS Portal in future).... but I mean...You can to try re-check situation with expired-license/renewal-process (like check.. if current processes work correctly)... and with that steps... with current TP (and with previous TPs) you able to get information date (which can be workarounds). Such as... expired can be with various meanings and variants, but probably here just one variant to get "expired" dialog on current time with default settings.
But... anyway if you talk just about "current time" of using... potentially here can be answer already (without additional workarounds for get certain date-time):
Such as description for "benefits". And probably it's related with all active licenses, which able to using by FS Protection users.
And probably if you just think about potential "random expired". Maybe changes can to comes after some time... where already will be default mechanism for understanding... certain known date of expire licenses for users.