Subscription Expired and not protected, but licences valid until next year?
Can anyone help with this issue? What do I do when all my licences show as active and valid, but the program in windows is saying its not protected and expired? Clicking subscribe takes me to a page that says to contact support if it doesn't automatically update. Here is my valid licence details: How do I fix this one?
Pankkisuojaus aktivoituu vaikka muita sivustoja ei ole auki
F-Securen Safari banking protection alkoi edellyttämään sivustojen hyväksymistä version 19.3 päivityksen jälkeen, vaikka selaimessa ei ole muita istuntoja auki. Asetuksista ei löydy säätöä tälle, joten oletan sen olevan vikatilanne.
Renewing F-secure Total with fewer licences
It is not possible to renew Total with lower nr of licences. It seems to be possible only to increase the nr of licences. Why all this hassle?
Browsing Protection for Opera Browser
Hello! Please add support BP Extension for Opera Browser. Now Opera can receive extensions from Chrome WebStore, but extension not working corrctly with Opera. Please, fix it! Best regards and thank You:)
Mikä on uusin Total-versio Windows 10:
En tiedä, onko uusin Total-versio latautunut Windows 10:een
Problems with VPN(?) and Samsung Galaxy s23
Hi, I've been using F-secure total for few years now with different phones (p30 pro, xiaomi mi 10 pro) and basically never had issues. But now with Samsung Galaxy s23 I guess the VPN causes slow connection to web sites and it drops connection to for example discord. For example with Opera or Chrome browser both the website…
Users recommend flexible ordering buffer days, single account multi-group management
Users' suggestions 1. There are a few flexible days after the renewal expiration date, allowing users to continue protection until the renewal is completed when they are free. 2. It is recommended that multiple groups of product management be provided within the account to facilitate memory management. Users want to see…
F-Secure Total lisenssin uusiminen - maksaminen ei onnistu
Seuraava tapaus: Uusiminen tilattu ennen entisen loppumista, mutta maksaminen on epäonnistunut (tilisiirto ei ole onnistunut). Nyt lisenssi mennyt vanhaksi ja käyttöoikeus päättynyt. Uudelleen maksu ei onnistu ja siis lisenssin päivitys ei onnistu. Kokeiltu sekä luottokortti että verkkopankkimaksua. Eli kokeiltu jossain…
Salasanaholvi pitää aina avata erikseen, miksi
Salasana holvi ei ole päällä. Fsecure ohjelma pitää aina erikseen avata ja kirjautua salasanaholviin että se on toiminnassa. Ei tälläinen ole kovin kätevää, ohjelma jää käytännössä kyllä käyttämättä, salasanaholvin pitäisi toimia automaattisesti. Selain chrome
How can I turn off "trusted site" popups?
I an an online collectibles reseller using a third party site to sell. Starting today, every time I open a new page on the site to check a listing I get this popup. I list hundreds of cards every week, and now I have to see this pop up on literally every one blocking the metrics I am trying to see. I know it's a trusted…
Chance F-Secure Internet Security Abo to F-Secure Total
Hi, I had a F-Secure Internet Security Abo working until 05/2025. I know installed the new Software and my Code not works anymore. Can the Support help me pls. Thanks and regards Patrick
Miksi asennusympyrä vain pyörii vaikka ilmoittaa olevan voimassa?
Asennus ei mene läpi siis.
internet security ei toimi
Pitäisikö internet securityn vielä toimia? Ostin, kirjoitin koodin lunasta tilauskoodi kohtaan, tilauskoodini on voimassa, mutta sitä ei saa käyttöön ja sivusto vain junnaa paikallaan. Ei ole netistä kiinni eikä mistään muustakaan. Yleisestikkin f-secure on toiminut hyvin, mutta uusiminen on aivan painajaismaista taistelua…
F secure and MacOS Sonoma
Hi, Please let me know if F Secure Total works without problems on macOS Sonoma (Norton had many stability issues). I am considering purchasing. Greetings, Rafi
Does VPN in the Total Android-app block app-tracking?
Hi there, I Bought and installed my F-secure Total today. I normally use the Android DuckDuckGo browser on my phone, because it blocks web- and app tracking. DuckDuckGo blocks literally thousands of tracking attempts daily by apps on my phone. However, this works via a kind of VPN connection and in Android you can only set…
how do I shut off f secure from spectrum
how do I shut off f secure from spectrum. Its not letting me on a known trusted site.
Ich benutze noch Windows 8.1, weil ich die dauernden Löschungen der gesamten Festplatte leid bin. Vor einigen wenigen Jahren hatte Microsoft zugesagt, dass Windows 10 die letzte Version ist und es dann nur noch Updates gibt. Nun: "Was schert mich mein Geschwätz von gestern" und Windows 12 ist wohl schon in Sicht. Wenn man…
Why can't I use the password vault/ID protection as standalone app with a Total subscription?
(I previously posted this in News and Feedback, thinking it was feedback, but then realized it was the wrong place.) I'm a long time user of ID Protection (and its predecessors). Often I've licensed the Total subscription, because it includes Freedome which I sometimes use, and Total is cheaper than getting Freedome and…
fsecure vpn not connect
fsecure vpn not connect
Total ja Catalina
Hieman tunnen itseni huijatuksi! Vanha MAC ja CATALINA : Total ei asennu! Uusin tavan mukaan automaattisesti kesäkuussa tilauksen eikä sitä tehdessäni käynyt millään lailla SELKEÄSTI esille se, että Total ei toimikaan Catalinassa tai aiemmassa. Uudempaan en voi käyttistä päivittää, koska koneeni on senverran vanha. Outoa,…
Where can I find "knowen issues"?
Where can I find "known issues"? A search here does not appear to show meaningful results. NB: Why am I not allowed to post a screenshot by Snagit?
License and account sync problem?
I renewed my license for F-secure total, and for some reason i cannot install it on any devices. Logging in and reinstalling the software does nothing, and the "My F-secure" correctly claims in the top bar that i have 358 days remaining in the license, and 3 free licenses. Is there possibly a bug in the software or in my…
How is F-secure rating websites and shops?
Hi, I visited one of our websites (qualityhygiene.nl) and we get a sign that F-secure has rated this site/shop as 'doubtful'. This shop has never had a bad review and is the pilot shop for our mothercompany Thyzo BV in Amsterdam. Thyzo BV is distributor for Wood's (Sweden) products. How has this rating been produced?…
Upgrade F-Secure Internet Security to F-Secure Total on multiple machines
Since some weeks F-Secure Internet Security notifies me to upgrade to F-Secure Total. Running a small business with 10 computers - and 10 licences - I figure out the following issues: I upgraded on one machine as described in the instructions. Since then I have an account and my existing licence on this machine for this…
Windows 11 mobile hotspot with Freedome active?
Hi, I'm trying to set up a mobile hotspot on a Win11 laptop so that the laptop is connected to a public wifi with Freedome active, then sharing that connection as a hotspot for other devices. The need is to use VPN to allow a TV to connect to this hotspot and access home country content on native apps. Now they are…
What is happening currently with the my.f-secure.com website? Password resets not working.
I have notice lately that every single time I navigate to my.f-secure.com/login and enter logon credentials, that the webpage indicates that the password is wrong every single time. So I choose the "Forgot Password" option and get a password reset link that includes:…
Subscription is active, but I recive message "Your subscription has expired"
i not able to scan virus. eventhough still valid until 2025
Tuote ei lataudu oikein
Ostin tänään uuden lisenssin vanhentuneen tilalle. Tilaus näkyy sivulla, mutta sovelluksissa näkyy vain vanhentunut tilaus, enkä pysty ottamaan tilausta käyttöön.
Freedome/VPN doesn't work with Tailscale on a Mac
I have been using both F-Secure Freedome/VPN and Tailscale for several years. Until recently I have been able to keep Tailscale running in the background while making a connection with Freedome. I start and connect Freedome only when I really need it, which is perhaps once in a month. About 2 months ago I started noticing…
Add trusted subnets to Freedome, not just a trusted network!
Hello. I know this has been discussed in the past but not implemented? It does apply to either a wired or wireless based network topology with several internal subnets I would like to be able to reach a NAS unit placed on another network segment than my /Windows client computers while keeping the Freedome connection…