Tietomurto zeeroq.com
Hei sain ilmoituksen tietomurrosta yo osoitteesta. en ole sitä käyttänyt. Mitä pitäisi tehdä
Version 3.5.0.x worst than ever
I really hoped the new release would solve all the (dis)connections problems already reported by me and other users, but it's not at all! The app is disconnecting several times a day, sometimes even when I'm using the internet and this is very annoying especially if I'm for example sending a form. Or it is just…
The issue of an expired test plan subscription
I didn't reply for a long time, whether I applied for a renewal with my old email address or a new test account with a new email address
Manage/Renew subscription
MY F-Secure Beta subscription has expired.And it did not automatically extend the time. What information should I provide to you?
My FS Protection subscription has expired
My FS Protection subscription has expired 4 days ago. I already sent an email to beta@f-secure.com but I haven't received any response yet.
AGAIN! Since yesterday, no Capricorn-updates!
When does this be better? Never?
promo code
Hi 😊 , I'm a bit disapointed. I've to subscribe a new offer for one year. According to webside i can get a "promo code" to reduce the price. I don't understand very well why it cost the same price if you are customer or not ? how can i get it one? thank's a lot🙂
Online payments: no payment card suggested
Hello, I have payment cards stored in F-Secure ID protection, in my Vault. I have opened F-Secure Vault I am at the payment page of a merchant, for example Amazon. In the online payment form, I am not prompted to choose a card from F-Secure (only from GPay). In other words, in payment forms I do not see the F-Secure icon,…
fs protection subscription is not extended and product expires
My fs protection subscription is not extended and product expires,please help me to extend licens,thank you!
Return the product
Hello, I would like to return the product. I use Firefox and the add-on doesn't work. In addition, the menu navigation is not ok for me. I bought the tool via Amazon. What do i have to do ? Kind regards, RogerPina
Microsoft Authenticator
Hello, I installed f-secure on my smartphone and started a scan. All applications have been inspected and only one has a risk according to the antivirus: Microsoft Authenticator. Is it a known false positive or a threat?
Blocked out, from Disney+?!
This happened a few days ago, until then I had much fun, in watching! :D Now I ain't able to watch, at all!! I suspect some kind of hacking (!) activity!!
Secure by Frontier Subscription Owner and User Accounts
I am protecting 10 devices under my Subscription Owner and 3 User Accounts. Is there an easy way to move protected devices between user accounts? I want to reduce the number of my User Accounts from 3 down to one. Ideally if I can move the devices between User Accounts then I would want to remove the User Accounts that…
Internet Security ei toimi
Nonnii, hienoa.. Yhtäkkiä kone (W10) väitää: 'Tietoturvasovellusta ei löytynyt. Sovelluksesi asennus on poistettu tai sinulla ei ole yhteensopivaa versiota. Asenna sovelluksen uusin versio ja yritä uudelleen.' Tilausta on jäljellä vielä vuosi (tammikuuhun 2025 asti).. F-secure-kuvakkeesta ei löydy enää mitään varsinaista…
F-Secure cannot scan
I use the F-Secure app and tried a full computer scan on my MacBook Air running on MacOS Sonoma 14.3. I am subscribed to F-Secure Anti-virus/Internet Security. The progress bar did not move at all and after about 10 seconds the scan ended with 0 scanned and of course no infected file. Please advise why and how to fix this.…
Problem with accessing password vault on another device
I have FS Protection on two devices. I have a problem on my phone (another question here in the community) so I decided to reinstall it on my phone in case it would help. When trying to open password vault with a code from the other device I get the attached message. I have tried several times on different occasions. How…
Move and rename devices in my.f-secure.com
When managing TOTAL, FREEDOME and other licenses in my.f-secure.com pages, it is not possible to move a license to another person, if the device change user. proposal: please enable options for changing / moving devices between users, and renaming devices (without having to free up the licenses and re-install.
How is it possible some F secure vault passwords do not correspond between devices and have changed?
Hi there, the above has happened with some of my passwords in F secure password vault (I have a video of this kind of unacceptable anomaly if you'd like to see it), despite being logged in with the same username across two devices. I've recently had several problems with the password manager; namely some of the passwords…
F-secure: how safe is it?
Modern digitalized Income tax support programmes - such as Speedledger - demands FULL ACCESS to the computer in order to function properly: Does F-secure Total in any way hinders these income tax accounting programmes, such as "SpeedLedger" and others, to have access and - maybe use and/or abuse- this previledge vis-a-vis…
Vakava tilanne – virussuojaus hävisi tietokoneeltani. Miksi?
N. 3 vko sitten kävi minun tietokoneelleni (Windows 11) yllättäen varsinainen katastrofi: Total-paketin F-Secure Safe päivittyi automaattisesti v. 19.1. Itsestään alkoi heti ”Recidual Cleanup” -niminen totaalinen puhdistus: yli 3000 roskatiedostoa ja yli 2000 turhaa rekisterimerkintää poistettiin – sillä seurauksella, että…
FS Protection loses rights
This happens several times a week - FS Protection loses the necessary rights, which I always need to regrant.
DeepGuard, MacOS 14.2.1 and zsh
Is it only me that finds it unbearable to do any meaningful work with zsh, DeepGuard and Sonoma on a M2. There are times that even changing a directory can take up to 10 to 20 seconds and for programs installed via brew (and whitelisted even) more. I've already started looking for uninstallation options.
Windows 11/10
Kahdella eri koneellani on ollut Total. Ensin Win 10 Pro ja sitten uudessa Win 11 Pro koneessa. Ensin vanhan koneen 10:ssä alkoi tulla käynnistysongelmia, verkkoyhteys ei auennut, tehtäväpalkki ei toiminut. Laitoin sen Windowsin piikkiin. Mutta nyt uudessa tehomyllyssä ja pari kuukautta vanhassa Win 11 Pro asennuksessa…
F-S Protection subscription has expired.
My F-S protection subscription has expired. And it did not automatically extend the time. Could i renew it?
My Creative Cloud syncronization blocked unexpectedly
Im working on Mac, about from beginning of this year started face sudden blockings of trusted websites by F-Secure, and today something blocking my Adobe Creative Cloud - even can't to save my work in Adobe Illustrator. Im not so good in these tech issues, but suspecting that there is problem with this internet security.…
Salasanojen importointi Google Chromesta ei toimi ollenkaan
Koitan siirtää salasanat Chromesta password vaulttiin ja saan jatkuvasti tämän virheen: Olen kikkaillut csv-tiedostolla niin että note-column on poissa ja erotinta on vaihdettu pilkusta puolipilkkuun ja kaikki kombinaatiot noiden kanssa ja saan pelkkää virhettä. Tein tämän viimeksi about vuosi sitten ja silloin toimi ok.…
Two accounts on the same device (Windows 10) - Passwords
Hello, On the same device, I have two accounts. F-Secure Total protects the device well on both accounts. However, on one of these it is impossible to access "My data". (passwords). Is there a solution to have access to data (passwords) on both sessions?
FS-PROTECTION often fails to load
When CHROME is turned on, FS-PROTECTION often fails to load, causing CHROME to load repeatedly, causing CPU and memory usage to soar.
pop up blockers. I cannot print
Can you help? I cannot print from gmail.com because of pop up blockers. How do I shut it of on gmail. I looked for places to shut it off on my security suite through spectrum. no luck. Please assist. Rhanks, Suusan
How to block specific websites on Android
Hello, It is straightforward to add a website to the blocked list on windows. However these are still accessible on my android device in question. How do I add these websites to be blocked in Android app? Thanks