I have bought F SECURE total, and cannot get reactivate ID protection . What am I doing wrong?!
I have bought FSecure total, but my ID app doesn’t recognise it, and keeps asking me to resubscribe - very frustrating!
Starting to be annoyed of this program...
Can't remove from startup programs Says my 1 year subscription code is invalid Need I say more? If anyone can help me remove from startup programs I would appreciate it, default ways of doing don't seem to work.
Apparently gamemode is now automatic. How does it know when game is started? I've gotten so many times fsecure info screen on top of the game now after this update where it was made automatic. Looks like it doesn't work. It should still be manual since it seems it doesn't know when you can disturb with stupid useless info…
High data usage on openvpn
Hi, I'm wondering It's normal to have a high data usage for the process openvpn.exe, mine is 159gb and no other process comes close to it. I haven't been using anything excessive that would tank data usage. What might be the cause?
Renewed F-Secure TOTAL subscription, but my F-Secure FREEDOME VPN shows subscription is expired
Hello everybody, My iPhone is in an amazing loop where the re-installation always ends in "subscription expired". It worked before, but after continuing the subs, it doesn't. Any ideas are welcome. I've spent many hours with this :-) BR, JV
A customer suggsted a different translation of the license expiry notification in F-Secure SAFE
A customer suggested that the notification about expiring license in German "Ihr Abonnement läuft gerade ab" should be replaced with "Ihr Abonnement läuft demnächst ab".
iPad loses wifi connection when Freedome is on?
Hi, for the past week or so my iPad has been trouble to maintain wifi connection when Freedome is running. Contacted Apple support and only advice was to get rid of Freedome. Hopefully you can fix this issue asap to convince me and continue to use your product. In my iPad have the latest iOS updates.
My.F-secure.com,connection issue with SAfe and iphones 6 and 8
There's no category for TOTAL,so i start this thread here.. I've installed SAFE on two iphones,6 and 8(latest iOS possible),both active. At the portal side(my.f-secure.com) status view with both devices: "This device has not connected to My F-Secure during the last two weeks.Check that the device can connect to the…
why does my subscription code not work?
yesterday i downloaded the 5 day trial, after a few hour i decided to buy a 2 year subcription. this morning when i opend my laptop the freedom was back to the 5 day trail. so i put my subscription code back in and now i got the message that it wont accept why?
Freedom and iOS 15
It looks like Freedom doesn't work anymore on iOS 15.1 (iPad), wonder when we get a version update onto Appstore.
Problem with subscription
Hi everybody .i will try to describe my problem shortly.i just installed an app f secure safe on Android and its number 10 ver.i still trying to renew subscription but without happy end.inside the app i have message "error - your purchase is not available now.please try later .and over and over again.my trial period Has…
F secure event viewer error
So i have the internet provider provided version of F-secure safe called Ziggo Safe Online. And it keeps displaying this strange message in event viewer.
About check the second is different?
why when i check the second is different? 1. 2.
F-Secure SAFE "Security Cloud Malfunction" error (macOS 10.13)
Hi, I contacted the support with the following issue but couldn't get any help. I am now trying to get help debugging via the forum, let's see how that goes. Here's my problem: After restoring my macbook pro with a Time machine backup, F-Secure SAFE now shows the Security Cloud Malfunction error. I tried the steps to fix…
A feature request for ID protection: add a feature to selectively stop showing security breaches
In the Android -version of ID protection, you allways start with the security breaches (monitoring) window, unless you specifically set the keys (vault) -window as the first one. First, it takes a good while of running untill you can get back from that to the keys. Can get a bit frustrating. So enabling an immediate change…
I cannot connect my subscription to the F-Secure Freedome VPN app on android
Having installed the app and successfully added my subscription, the app would not connect to any VPN servers and prevented my Internet access. I decided to uninstall and re install the app. Having done this I can no longer turn on the VPN and my subscription page says no subscription but doesn't offer me a way to add the…
Beta subscription renewal is lost
Hi, I ran to a problem with latest Beta because it ended my subscription and there is no renewal help. It took a while to be able to reset my password too, so it has been out of subscription around a month. And if I login it only show "Your subscription has expired." and no posbility to renewal or automatic renewal. Anyone…
Can you add a "trust" option in the processing window
Hi Can you add a "trust" option in the processing window so that my files don't always disappear when I report a false positive.
AMSI detected harmful content (user very unfriendly)
The newly installed FSP on the new computer reported an error (about the AMSI), and then I added all its application files and directories to the exclusion list. Opening the app again is still blocked. Trust cannot be clicked in the pop-up message, and there is no exclusion option in the event history record. The problems…
Does F Secure Safe protects against key loggers?
Osuuspankkki offer
My subscription will end next week. And I want to use OP offer. I know that I must delete old account and create new one for OP offer. Is it enough? Should I reinstall F-secure applications?
F secure Android not working
My F-Secure on my Android Samsung S 20 seem to not scan propperly. so i deinstalled it an reinstalled it. now when i start it an try to connect with my profile to get the license, is loads for minutes and then gives me Error 500 and "please contact the administrator" funny. Please help me what I'm supposed to do now.…
Not sure whether F-Secure Internet Security is working or not
Hello For the past two day's i am noticing this pop up message when ever i visit any banking site. Not sure whether my F-Secure is working or not. Need help to understand this issue and help me to resolve it. You can refer enclosed attachment
Login issues
Hi. Every time I restart my PC and open ID protection, I'm logged out. I'm told to login again , so I do that. Then I'm getting email about new login found from the new device and unknown location. I'm told I have to free the license and register new device. So I'm freeing the license from the same PC every time and adding…
"Read Anypath" Policy doesn't work as expected
Good day dev team! Under Strict mode, I set up rules like: watch prefix "~/" "any" w watch prefix "~/Desktop/" "any" r allow path "any" "/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/" r "" "APPLE_PF_BINARY" What is expected: When I open files under ~/Desktop, DeepGuard should not make any dialog like "Finder is trying to read…
Virus scanner Safe Online
My virus scanner Safe Online (Ziggo Safe Online) scans much more quicker than before until 99% and then starts scanning again. Finally it reports everything is oke. Something changed?
Why does a website not work correctly?
I have two computers with F-secure safe installed. On one computer a few websites don't load correctly: One website (KIVA.org) opens correct after inlogging but fails (doesn't show lay-out) after clicking a link. The other website suggest that DigiD (Dutch governemental app for logging in into governemental websites)…
How to Check Our Website is Safe From Google
Hello Everywhere! We starting new business like Digital Marketing and Web Development. we launched own site www.kitoinfocom.com but, i have some confusion about google reeking, that's our site is safe from google and search engine. then, we will work in deep. thanks for valuable time Regard ! Anushka
Trial expired but cannot add new device with a new subscription
Hi all. A month ago, I installed a trial F-Secure SAFE on my notebook (after sign up on My F-Secure portal). When the trial expired, the installed SAFE showed me the message about the expirated subscription. Then, I bought a boxed 3 devices license of F-Secure Safe and add the activation key on My F-Secure Portal: the end…
How to get F-Secure beta key.
Please help me to get the key. Thanks.