Move subscription to new PC

IanS Posts: 2



I need to move my subscription to a new PC. The old one stopped working due to a harddrive failure.

How do I do this?


As an idea going forward it would be useful to include a  device management feature to do this ourselves.





  • Hailan
    Hailan Posts: 50 Active Engager
    Hi IanS

    Currently the subscription/keycode is tied to the installation. Hence a new keycode is required, I will send you a private message regarding this.
  • IanS
    IanS Posts: 2

    Thank you for the email and code. All working again.

  • labrekke
    labrekke Posts: 1 New Member



    I have the same problem: I purchased Freedome for 3 devices and installed it on 3 PCs. Two days ago my Windows 10 PC crashed, so I decided to install Freedome on an older Win7 PC while I am waiting for the repair of the Win10 PC.


    I took it for granted that I could use the existing code from my original purchase and that I would be asked if I wanted to move one of the existing subsription to a new PC or that I would have to contact you to fix it when I tried to use the code on a new PC.


    Instead, after using the code in the "Subscribe now" field, I got a message in Freedome telling me that I had successfully renewed the subscription for another 365 days, without any warnings. That is not a good way to treat a new customer. I've only subscribed to Freedome for 5 weeks and I'm happy with the software, but I don't like to be tricked into renewing a subscription without knowing.


    Can you please advise? I don't know how or if this will influence the installation I already have on the 2 other PCs (I don't have access to them at the moment).

  • Hi @labrekke,


    May I know on which computer have you used your code right now (in which you are seeing the option 'successfully renewed')? Is it seen on the Win 7 computer?


    Freedome license code is valid per installation; which means, when you use the code for a computer, it validates the computer using one of the available licenses from your Freedome code. Our RND is working on this further.


    As per your message, it might be the scenario that your Freedome product has been validated with the code you purchased on that respective device.



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    I should like to move my Freedome to another device. IS there an estimated date for that functionality.

    I've posted eralier about this. I'v been using the licenced product and betas. Now the beta is expired and I should like to move Freedome license from the crappy tab to the one with usable performance.

  • Hi martink,


    Our R&D is finalizing the testing on new features which should allow for more flexibility in the handling of subscriptions. This should reach Freedome users in the coming months if no major problem is found during testing.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks, that is good, hopefully the coming months does not exceed the time my subscription is valid. ;-)

  • rolypolyravioli
    rolypolyravioli Posts: 1 New Member

    Has the option to move a subscription become available yet?

  • Chameni
    Chameni Posts: 236 Moderator


    Hi rolypolyravioli,


    Yes you can but this applies only to the multi-device subscriptions of Freedome purchased directly from F-Secure or F-Secure official resellers. Subscriptions bought through app stores such as Google Play or Apple AppStore do not apply. This feature is currently available only for the Windows, Mac and Android versions. The feature will be available for iOS later on.


    More information, please refer here.


    Thank you


  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star
    Just wondering again...
    If I transfer the license which has 30 days remaining will that be on the new device or will the transition peirod apply and 120 days remain? What migth be the expiry of license I have not installed yet?
  • Pat66
    Pat66 Posts: 3 New Member



    I need to move my subscription to a new PC. The old one stopped working due to a harddrive failure.

    How do I do this?





  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Yes I should like to know the answer to that as I experienced the same and had to send my W10 pad to the manufacturer. They indicate the that it is likely to be any reconditioned factory reset unit when it comes back.


    Regarding "What migth be the expiry of license I have not installed yet? " I found the answer to that with the same pad. The answer in my case was that after the installation the license was valid for a full year.

    Nothing to do with the date of the first installation.

  • Hi @martink,


    We have the license transfer functionality with Freedome on Windows/Mac/Android devices. So, on your W10 (Windows device) Pad, please try to reinstall your Freedome and this will prompt Freedome for a license transfer if all your licenses are used up already.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    I finally got the pad back and reinstalled Freedome.

    It did not prompt for anything and license is valid to the same date as before.

This discussion has been closed.