I bought F-Secure FREEDOME through Apple AppStore , but cannot install it on my other devices

MacUffe Posts: 1 New Member

I have tryed the advice in this forum, to no avail. I have had to purchase the licence several times to different devices, though I have a multi licence...

I have emailed F-Secure on freedome-feedback@f-secure.com 50 days ago (29.3.2018), but have still received no answer. I am at a loss on how to proceed and how to contact (email, tel number)?



  • Hi MacUffe,


    If you have an apple appstore license, the subscription is limited to one operating system, but are valid on all your iOS devices connected to the same Apple ID. You can find more information from this and this article.


    May I know on which other OS devices have you tried to install Freedome? If it is an apple appstore license, you cannot install it on other OS devices apart from iOS devices.


    You can contact our support team here via chat or phone.

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