Multi device code not valid in iphone

I had a multi device subscription for a year and used from iPhone, iPad and Mac. I was prompted to renew it and I just attempted to use it in a new phone and get a message This ID is not valid for this device. Everything was working so well, I am very confused and frustrated right now.
To clarify, I did not buy from the App Store, I renewed in the website.Comments
Hi Laksh,
I restored the backup from my previous phone, that installed Freedome in the new phone. After searching the forum I found an answer that suggested deleting the app and reinstalling so I tried that, but it still has the same message.
Currently, Freedome says it is in a 5 day free trial, with 4 days left.
I am still, I have tried many times: I tried to reinstall the app, tried waiting for the trial period to expire, everything I could find as solutions in the forum. Nothing works, still the same problem “Oops this code is not valid for this device”.
I really would like to find a solution for this, the service is great but only if I can use it.