Protection switches off

BigT99 Posts: 4 New Member



Using F-secure on an android powered Galaxy Tab S. The subscription lapsed for over a year, but it used to work. Now when I switch on the protection, it switches itself off after 30 seconds.


Has anyone any suggestions?




  • Hi BigT99,


    Since you mentioned the subscription lapsed for over a year, is the subscription still valid?


    Does it happen with all the locations on your device?


    What is the version of Freedome installed and the OS version of your android device?


  • BigT99
    BigT99 Posts: 4 New Member

    Thanks Laksh.


    I bought a new license before downloading the app.


    i've only tried England & Spain, but it doesn't work on either of those


    It's version


    On a galaxy tabS,  OS using android 6.0.1.


    Annoyingly it works on my Galaxy S9





  • Hi Tony,


    Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall Freedome on your Galaxy Tab S? Please reinstall Freedome and check if it helps.

  • BigT99
    BigT99 Posts: 4 New Member

    Sorry, missed your reply so this is late


    I have tried reinstalling Freedome, to no avail.



  • Hi Tony,


    Have you tried to connect to a different network and see if it helps; for example, connecting to a data network if it does not work on a Wi-Fi network?


    Please check this article about VPN disconnecting frequently on Samsung devices.


  • BigT99
    BigT99 Posts: 4 New Member

    Thanks Laksh


    I haven't tried that yet, but will do when I'm at home. The urgency is over - I can connect from Spain through my phone (Galaxy S9) to watch the football and cycling, so I'll leave it for now.


    Thanks for help



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