Freedome trusted network subnets?

Why isn't devices in different subnets available even wifi has been enabled as trusted on freedome (android). When you connect to ie wifi network (trusted) you can access, ping, ssh etc devices on network but NOT devices in
Some people (maybe) are using tablet/android devices for fast work these days in different network segments for conveniency instead of laptop (ssh, web mgmt etc). Another segments work ok if you disable freedome.
Maybe I'm missing a point but couldn't other private segments be allowed? It would be nice atleast to be able to specify trusted segments if it is bad security idea. Or is this some routing problem with freedome vpn.
Hi fozters,
Freedome once connected to single Wifi network, it is not possible to connect to other devices from different subnet since it is only meant for one connection per time. If you are required to be connected to different subnet, it is recommended that you turn off the Freedome VPN.
While it is still possible to switch on Freedome VPN when connnected to your different subnet, this may however hinder access to devices from other subnet.
Thank you