free-dome on Apple TV 4

Hello @BeoLoog
Thank you for your interest in F-secure Freedome, we have no plan yet, so the Apple TV not supported by Freedome. Please have a look of this article to know all supported platforms.
Thank you for your quick response. The article you are referring to is from september 2018.
So I will rephrase my question : are you planning an update on the F-Secure Freedome VPN
software to make it suitable for Apple TV (or Chromecast for that matter) or do I have to wait
till the end of my Freedome subscription and chose another VPN provider ?
Hello @BeoLoog ,
Apple TV with Freedome: We have double checked with our Freedome team and has confirmed that we don’t have plans or roadmaps at the moment to add Apple TV to the supported platforms.
Chromcast with Freedome: Please have a look at this article in where you can see how to use the Chromecast with Freedome on your device.