Connect to freedome with hardware router (which supports ipsec)

mrg Posts: 1 Observer

Can I use my hardware router (EdgeMax Lite in this particular case) to connect to Freedome VPN instead of a software client? It doesn't need to be a fully supported way, it's enough if there's a set of unofficial parameters which I can enter to the configuration by myself.


  • Naike
    Naike Posts: 3 Observer
    I also need to know if this works.
  • creative_think
    creative_think Posts: 20 Observer
    Add me to the list of interested customers. I would like the option of running Freedome from my router as well.
  • Add me to the list of interested customers as well, I need Freedome to run on a PSsense firewall rig ( FreeBSD ) without having to use the buggy client.

  • paas0008
    paas0008 Posts: 6 Observer

     Add me to the list of interested customers for this as well. I would also like to set up Freedome on a pfSense (NetBSD) firewall for a home network. I'm the "tech support" for my family and I would set up everyone I know with this configuration if this were available. (Meaning, additional paid Freedome subscribers!) Please prioritize this feature!

  • Acaila
    Acaila Posts: 2 Observer

    Another (new) customer that is keen to setup the VPN service on my home router.

This discussion has been closed.