Freedome on windows 8.1 not working

Before you try resinstalling it check the following:
You have enabled ipv6, to check:
1. Open up network and sharing centing through the control panel.
2. Select change adapter settings.
3. Select properties after right clicking the freedomVPNconnection.
4. Make sure Internet Protocal Versionc (TCP/IPV6) is checked.
Are you able to ping websites when connected to Freedome?
to test:
1. Open command prompt
2. Type: ping
Also please run a speed test from here: and let us know the results.
It may be that Freedome is timing out due to a slow internet connection. Do you have access to a network with speeds above 7 down, 1 up? If so does Freedome work on that device at that location?
Also what type of device is it? (tablet, laptop, desktop...)
You may also be on a trottled network, is this a home, corpate, school, government, or public network?