Freedome on Windows Phone

i read that Windows Phone 8.1 update includes some kind of VPN support. So is there any change we might get Freedome for Windows Phone anytime in near future?


  • We start working on the Windows Phone 8.1 support as soon as it gets finalized by Microsoft.

  • paas0008
    paas0008 Posts: 6 Observer

    When is Freedome for Windows Phone coming out? WP 8.1 supports VPN including on-demand VPN. It would be worth paying for Freedome all over again.

  • Hi!  Sorry for the delay.


    We're not able to promise any timeline for Windows Phone support at this time, but as per our latest official communication on the matter "We are currently working together with Microsoft on this. No promises on schedule but WP8.1 is very high on the agenda."


    As soon as there is an update, we'll be sure to keep you informed!  Fingers crossed that it will be soon :)


    // Chrissy

  • Hello,


    We have been working on Windows Phone support, but due to external reasons beyond F-Secure's control, it still takes some time. We keep you informed when we know more.





  • las97
    las97 Posts: 11 Observer

    Do you have any new information?

  • anfo
    anfo Posts: 4

    @Paivi: Any news for WP 8.1? More than a half year is gone since your last update... :-(

  • Hello,

    Microsoft does, unfortunately, not support personal VPN with Windows Phone 8.1. We need to wait for Windows 10. I'm sorry, but this is out of our control.



  • anfo
    anfo Posts: 4

    Ok, I see...


    Will there be any possibility to connect to Freedome via IKEv2/L2TP w. IPSec (WP builtin) alternatively in future?


    Thanks Smiley Wink

  • Tehfcae
    Tehfcae Posts: 107 Contributor

    To my knowledge Freedome uses OPENvpn protocals so theoretically, I have not personally attempted this, but it should be possible using an OPENvpn client. 

  • That alternative has not been in our plans, I'm sorry. We were planning to support Windows Phone with an app, but as that didn't reliaze we have decided to wait until Windows 10 will be available. Few months still to wait..

  • anfo
    anfo Posts: 4

    Ok, thx for your info.


    I'll keep an eye on future developments, but use another vpn solutiion which supports IKEv2 natively until then.

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