How do I "completely" uninstall Freedome for Mac...???

Vingasand Posts: 2 New Member

How do I "completely" uninstall Freedome for Mac (OS X 10.9.5 (13F1077)).....???


Regards /
Stefan F


  • Hello Stefan,


    Dragging it to the trash bin should already remove the app. If you want to be more thorough do as follows.

    Just remove it from /Applications. If you want to completely get rid of it:

     - delete folders "/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome" and "~/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome" 

    - remove "Your F-Secure Freedome Key" from your login keychain (it's in Passwords category).


    Let me know if it helps.

  • Vingasand
    Vingasand Posts: 2 New Member

    Hello Ben,

    thank you for answering...!!


    I followed your advice "Dragging it (the "app"/program") to the trash bin should already remove the app."....then....


    looking into the folder admin/library/application support/f-secure I found:

    • 1 locked seemingly empty (2 byte) document "expirytime"
    • 1 folder FSFreedome including: 1 seemingly empty (342 byte) docyment "currentSite.vpn" and another folder admin containing:
    • 1 FreedomeDaemon_err.log (incl 97k..!!)
    • 1 FreedomeDaemon_std.log (seemingly empty (0 byte)..!!)
    • 1 locked fsfreedome-rundown.txt document (seemingly empty (0 byte)...!!)
    • 1 UninstallFreedome_err.log (incl 1 K...!!)
    • 1 UninstallFreedome_std.log (incl 326 byte...!!) displaying: 

    ************************* Start uninstallation check**************************

    App was installed: /Applications/
    Opening uninstallation survey
    Done opening uninstallation survey
    Removing credentials
    Removing credentials done
    Uninstalling daemons and agent
    Done uninstalling daemons and agent
    Uninstallation done

    • 1 textdokument (incl 1 K textlines..!!)

    Looked into the folder "Library/Keychains"...but found no "login keychain incl. Passwords category" with
    "Your F-Secure Freedome Key"


    What next...??


    Can I delete the entire folder "f-secure folder" in the "admin/library/application support-folder"....trusting everything related to Freedome is terminated and deleted...???


    Best regards,


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