How do I "completely" uninstall Freedome for Mac...???

Hello Stefan,
Dragging it to the trash bin should already remove the app. If you want to be more thorough do as follows.
Just remove it from /Applications. If you want to completely get rid of it:
- delete folders "/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome" and "~/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome"
- remove "Your F-Secure Freedome Key" from your login keychain (it's in Passwords category).
Let me know if it helps.
Hello Ben,
thank you for answering...!!
I followed your advice "Dragging it (the "app"/program") to the trash bin should already remove the app."....then....
looking into the folder admin/library/application support/f-secure I found:
- 1 locked seemingly empty (2 byte) document "expirytime"
- 1 folder FSFreedome including: 1 seemingly empty (342 byte) docyment "currentSite.vpn" and another folder admin containing:
- 1 FreedomeDaemon_err.log (incl 97k..!!)
- 1 FreedomeDaemon_std.log (seemingly empty (0 byte)..!!)
- 1 locked fsfreedome-rundown.txt document (seemingly empty (0 byte)...!!)
- 1 UninstallFreedome_err.log (incl 1 K...!!)
- 1 UninstallFreedome_std.log (incl 326 byte...!!) displaying:
************************* Start uninstallation check**************************
App was installed: /Applications/
Opening uninstallation survey
Done opening uninstallation survey
Removing credentials
Removing credentials done
Uninstalling daemons and agent
Done uninstalling daemons and agent
Uninstallation done- 1 textdokument (incl 1 K textlines..!!)
Looked into the folder "Library/Keychains"...but found no "login keychain incl. Passwords category" with
"Your F-Secure Freedome Key"What next...??
Can I delete the entire folder "f-secure folder" in the "admin/library/application support-folder"....trusting everything related to Freedome is terminated and deleted...???
Best regards,