icon indication of "network..no internet connection"

This icon with the (!) indicating no internet connection only appears when the VPN is activated. When in-activated, the (!) no longer appears and the icon is clear indicating internet access. Either with OR without the (!), I still have connection. Just wondering why the (!) appears when the VPN is active.
Oh yes... There is no functionality failure at all... Just don't like that (!) in the internet connection icon. Otherwise all woks. With that (!) visible, I never know when it's a false positive or actually indicating a valid condition. No problem. Guess I'll just have to live with it. As for the device I'm using...nothing special...just one system on a (2) system network through a Netgear R6300 WiFi Router.
Unforturnetly, if the connection is working properly it is likely just the way your network adapters checks the connection may have issues with VPN protocols or the VPN servers themselves. Either way keep an eye for updates as that will be the most likely source of resultion for an issue like that.