Company%27s getting my i information
Where does it tell me the names of company's trying to get my information
F-Secure Booster error
I've purchased Booster program, but I cannot validate it . When I tried it with that Booster coed I got, I got an answer "Unknown error" and the validation doesn't happen. I have a Windows Vista lap top machine. What I can or must to do? Best regards Cake1
Renewed Internet security 16.0 very slow on "Full Computer scan"
Renewed and downloaded Internet Security 16.0. "Full Computer Scan" is only 31% complete after 8 hours. Previous Internet Security full scan was complete in 2-3 hours. Any thoughts on why appreciated Guys.
browsing protection by fsecure
Hey, After my installation from win10 my browser protection by fsecure doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
F-Secure Booster problem - Using Window 7
"I run Booster on my PC and, after having completed the Clean Up Phase, a dialog box appears and says: "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I closed the dialog box and the program closed automatically" Can you please help me
How can I block Apple's Apple Remote Desktop Agent completely?
How can I block Apple's remote Desktop Agent completely? Does anyone know because I have the latest version of Little Snitch and I want no way that someone can remotely login to my mac. What ports do I have to block for everything including Telnet and everything else? I would truly appreciate it. I have a question how my…
Installing F-Secure after Factory Settings Restore
Hi, I had to restore my phone to factory settings recently due to a faulty SD card. Although I was backed up on my PC, F-Secure was lost. I have no more 'key's' left so how can I restore F-Secure to the same phone? Many Thanks
F-Secure Booster Activation
Hi, I've installed F-Secure Booster and appeared to have licensed it successfully, but once I restart the PC and try to launch the application it prompts for the license key again, and if I re-enter it tells me that I've "surpassed the maximum number of computers". I've confirmed all IE settings are as per the advice on…
First timer
R the people using this app with it?
Licence expired
Repairing friends PC after disc failure and upgraded to Windows 10 (ex 7) on completion. He uses F-secure SAFE. This is a 5 device licence expiring December 2016. He uses 5 devices. The upgrade to windows 10 corrupted F-secure and using the their recommended tool, was uninstalled.. Had trouble re-installing as was…
User interface not started after Safe Anywhere Mac installation on OS X El Capitan
We have noticed that our product user interface does not launch automatically after installation on OS X El Capitan. Everything works fine if you launch the product manually from the installation folder, and also after a restart the product starts up normally. The good news is that OS X upgrade scenarios are not affected.…
F-Secure SAFE / Internet Security installation not fully completed on Windows 10
Microsoft have published a cumulative update for Windows 10 (KB3093266). This update introduced a wide-ranging block on an installation component that F-Secure uses. The unfortunate side-effect of this is that the installation of F-Secure SAFE / F-Secure Internet Security on Windows 10 systems, including the cumulative…
mbae64.sys from malwarebytes exploit
Hi there i installed this program malwarebytes anti-exploit but when i uninstalled it i noticed there is still a folder named Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit with just one file named mbae64.sys,which i can't delete,i have tryed alot of tools to try and get rid of it but no joy. I need help as when i try and delete the folder it…
Internet Safety and alpha test gaming
Hi What are the capabilities of certain players to hack into computers if they can hack through steam/game anti-cheats if they want to hack through your protection and know my ip adress in Finland? I alpha test played ARK: Survival Evolved with my friends and other Finnish players and some other players. There were hackers…
The application "f-secure SAFE.app" can't be opened
I installed "f-secure SAFE.app" on my mac in order to remove a fake adobe download virus. I have OSX El Capitan installed. However, every time I try to open it I get the following messaage: The application "f-secure SAFE.app" can't be opened
error in run and update f-secure internet security
i have using f-secure internet security for 2 years. but now i have problems to run and update. currently, f-secure notify to me "trigger error". after search about it, i found some ways such as use of uninstallation tools and F-Secure Network Installer. when i use F-Secure Network Installer, notify to me "installation…
SAFE renew with code, there is no option for that?
I purchased F-Secure SAFE box from local shop to renew my SAFE subscription. I tried to follow instruction on F-Secure help-pages: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/How-do-I-renew-or-extend-my-F/ta-p/62981 Got stuck on part 3 "In the Orders and Payments page, click on the Renew now button next to the…
I keep getting message saying my subscriptions has expired . How do I find my license key
I can`t log in to facebook after scanning with f-secure
I`ve downloaded F-secure and after scanning with it I could no longer log in to facebook. When trying to log in I receive the following messages : sorry, something went wrong. please try closing and reopening your browser window. I reopen the window, but there is no change. I`ve tried everything. I`ve formatted the…
pc booster key does not work. I purchased booster in August but it still does not work I will give y
I purchesd the the F secure pc booster during August, but the key did not work. After seeking help I got nowhere but was advised to go to communitee. The key still does not work and I am seeking support. My puchase Ref: number is xxxxx. I will disclose the key when support is forthcomming . sincere thank's Stan. EDIT: PII
I forgot my anti-theft password how can you help
Hey!! I have some problem with F-secure Internet Security (latest version) - I decided to try to reinstall it, i guess something went wrong because now i can only access "Browsing protection"? I cant use any other sections of the program. I even tried running the uninstallation tool, and then reinstalling again - NO HELP.…
Question about "Application blocked" popup window
Hey I have a question; is there something supposed to happen when i click "Show more"? Is it supposed to expand and show some information, like maybe the address / protocol / port where the application is trying to connect? Because i think i have seen something like that previously happen, i'm not sure though. But at least…
Different email used for trial version and my new licence Virgin Media Customer on Windows 10
I am struggling after spending hourI s and hours going round and round in circles. Can someone please advise what I need to do. I am a Virgin Media customer and I had forgotten that I was offered F-Secure on a free trial ages ago. I now recall I had problems installing it and gave up so never used my free trial which, I…
Does Safe include AV or not?
After my previous preferred free AV (which will remain nameless) decided it was going to crash the shell process (Start menu/Cortana) I decided to switch to actually pay for an AV and security solution so purchased SAFE. The admin panel indicates F-Secure AV is installed but I can't find any controls to start a scan and…
F-Secure screen switching to not protected.
Switch on PC (Windows 8.1). F-Secure loads and updates.....all is well. (and updates hourly thereafter) After a short period of time the F-Secure screen changes to 'Your PC is not protected' (with the red cross)...and says check for updates. All updates are correct. The PC was offered an F-Secure upgrade one or two days…
'Email address already registered, contact customer service'
Uninstalled the previous version, bought a new version, paid it, tried to activate it but cannot: F-Secure doesn't accept my email address as it has 'already been registered'. Yes, it is, by me. Or rather, it was registered with my old account. I only have one email address, so what to do now. Customer service is not…
f-secure safe android doesn't block youtube mobile site
I want to block all access to youtube via app and browser. main youtube site is blocked (www.youtube.com) but it is still possible to view videos on mobile site https://m.youtube.com.
F-Secure Linux Security
Is there a version of F-Secure Linux Security for home users?
Apple , PC & others Security Updates.
Apple security updates for Mac OS X Yosemite & El-Capitan... Please do the updates now. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201222 Update all Adobe Flash, Shockwave & Acrobat Reader now. http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ Check updates for Java as well. https://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp…