Please can somone help. This post is now closed but I am having the same problems. Both F-secure and Windows defender are bo th turned off and when I try to turn on F secure it still says that everthing is up to date and working. This has been happening for quite a while and I feel I'm paying for something that I can't rely on and dont feel that I'm safe using the internet. Sort it out Virgin !!!!
Can you tell us which version of Windows you are running? Also, you mentioned Virgin, so can I presume that you previously had Virgin Media Security? If so, has it definitely been fully uninstalled using the Virgin Media Removal Tool? Even if VMS has been uninstalled, it might be worth running the removal tool again, then reboot, then run the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool and after a further reboot, reinstall F-Secure.
Hopefully the above will get FS working properly, but if what I've suggested doesn't help, then please provide some more details such as which version of FS, which OS, and whether you have, or have had, any other security products on the device.