
I've just talk with My Safe hot line and they recommended to me to join the community.
My problem : I openned an account and installed Fredome on one PC with 3 coupons for one year each of them. This was made a month ago.
Now I want to install Fredome one another PC. But I have forgotten the 3 coupons.
My question : where can I find them and be able to install Freedome for 3 years on 3 PCs as the F-Secure committment was?
Many thank in advanve for your help.
Kind regards
Hi Gallo66,
Regarding your post, our limited offer was “Buy SAFE, Get 1year of Freedome for free” offer. Consumers who do not pay for SAFE after the trial period, will be prompted to pay to continue using Freedome for free. Even if some may have abused our offer, Free Freedome Premium with SAFE trial was not offered by us, and it won’t be supported by F-Secure.