F-secure Pre Installed App Key Problem

Hi Sir
I was purchased AOC smart phone with pre-installed F-Secure App .
It included 365 days protection.
When Check that it shows that only 60 days protection .
It was pre-installed App
when i see F secure about details
Subscription Key -xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
I purchased smartphone in snapdeal 15-9-2015.
Please can u help me Sir.
If any mistake please forgive me.
EDIT: Removed license information
Hi RohitKumar,
Based on your license information, I could see you might have got the Mobile Security application on your phone. Please do let me know if it is a different application.
In you have got it preinstalled on your phone, did the license come along with the preinstallation as well? Please check with the dealer from whom you got the license; if it came with the phone, then they should be able to confirm you about the license validity as well.
Thanks Boss giving information.
I already contact that.
they cannot give the answer. That's why I contact the forum.
I've one doubt trial version it gives the 30 days protection.
But it not the trial because it gives 60 days protection.
can u please give the details.
How to solve this.
Please any mistake forgive me.