F-Secure Booster error

Hi cake1,
If you have the error when activating the product, please review the following articles:
http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/Activation-issue-Please-connect/ta-p/68554 -
The issue has not been solved, yet. As I try to activate the program with the Booster code I got, the answer is all the time "Unknown error" and the activation doesn't happen. And, as I try to optimite my lap top computer, I'll get the answer "optimation cannot been done, the computer must restart before". But, the restarting doesn't help. The answer is same all the time.
Best regards
maybe you can look into our issues as well Laksh..
Hi Cake1,
For your enquiry, it is likely that the error might be caused by the internet connectivity to the servers. The first thing would be to check the TLS settings (as mentioned in the above links); if you have already tried to reset your IE settings (mentioned in the links shared above as well) and also verify the TLS settings as per the above links, please let us know if there is any other Anti-virus or Anti-spyware programs running on the computer (apart from any F-Secure Anti-Virus - if installed).
What is the version of the Booster which is downloaded to your computer, is it the latest version?