Scheduled scan takes 4-7 hours (!), previously took only 15-20 minutes

Silvanis Posts: 2 Observer

I've set Safe to run a scheduled scan at 7 p.m. daily, with low priority. Up until the end of April, this scan took only about 15 minutes, but from the beginning of May, it's slowed to glacial speed. The same scan now takes four or five hours, with a new low reached on June 9th when the scheduled scan still wasn't done when I set the laptop to sleep at just past TWO A.M. Yes, two in the morning. SEVEN hours later.


What could be causing this? The computer itself doesn't seem to slow down during the scan or act up, nor does the scan find anything. I'm usually not running anything terribly resource-intensive during the scan, just tooling around on the intertubes. There's been no issue with any of the updates (they're automatic) or the interface. A similar thing happened last year (the scan slowed significantly, but not to levels this ridiculous) but it seemed to spontaneously resolve. I'm running 64-bit Windows 10 Home.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    My latest scheduled scan takes twelve hours (or a little be more). It is partly uncommon time - but 'common' time is around six/eight hours.

    But I'm also with experience about 'minutes' (less than ten; fifteen or so) - probably it was always with 'high' priority scan (did not remember with low priority).


    I do able to think about potential points:


    -> Maybe system/filesystem start be with some 'deepest' files or zipped files (if option for scan zipped/archives is enabled); As result, only one file can take some hours.

    Possible to play with things like "choose scan only known type of files and unchoose scan zipped files" and check time-result.

    Also, what if run Full Scan and check if there will be delay with certain file/files.


    -> It is likely that some changes for internal scanning design will trigger such situation.

    Just as potential discussion: does there any reasons for daily scheduled scans?



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I know this doesn't answer your question, but in my opinion, there is no need to do regular full scans.  


    Anything malicious which activated on your machine would be blocked by F-Secure, and even malicious files are harmless until they are executed. If you were to download something malicious, then F-Secure should block it before it executes, so, it really is pointless continually scanning old files.

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