Windows Version Not Supported
Try to install Error : Your current version of Windows is not supported. Check the system requirements for supported operating systems and required service Packs. What to do for it I' using Win 7 - 64 Bit (Ultimate)
Time Restrictions
I use Safe on my daughters phone running Android 7 but find that it does not block the use at the specified time. Instead it's approx 30mind late . Since we had daylight saving time moving from GMT to BST it does not seem to work at all .
f-secure mobile security hangs after input of new license key
same as https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Schutz/Mobile-Security-Abo-abgelaufen/td-p/71146 2.4.2018 02:50 Problem NOT solved. Same problem with 1-Month Abo-Key from Google Play-Store. (First Key was from German Official F-Secure-Dealer "EDV-Buchversand" for 2 Years) 2.4.2018 03:30 Solved: F-Secure Mobile Security App…
"Do you want to allow this page to open F-Secure SAFE"
Opening yet another topic that I found that was never answered: I get this message when I open Safari the first time: "Do you want to allow this page to open F-Secure SAFE". Safari then needs to be reopened. How do I stop this without disabling the browser protection plugin? I have no problem in Google Chrome. Only in…
Hi, The file fsulgk.sys is failing at boot (till now only once) and gives an PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Blue Screen. OS: Windows 10 x64 LTSB version 1607 (14393.2155) Files: fsdiag.7z Windows minidump: xxxxxx Regards, Robert EDIT: Removed FSDIAG and log files link
Blocked website
I am having some issues as my child cannot access a website for school. It is allowed in the settings but we get this error Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to www.showmyhomework.co.uk. Peer received a valid certificate, but access was denied. Error code: SSL_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED_ALERT I can…
F Secure Safe
Why do I keep getting e mails to tell me My F Secure safe and anti virus are turned off as when I check they are still on it happens at least once a month,bit worrying for me
This spider
Can help me the technician come what time?
receive updates but can't installation
Dear friends, I get updates on Internet security but I do not install the updates and I get a message that it is not up to date and needs updating. Do you know anything about this problem?
Feedback: Finder doesn't find, but other apps can find the phone
Hi, I'm not really happy with the expected functionality of Finder in F-Secure Safe. I haven't been able to locate an iPhone with Finder. At the same time, I can get the location using Apple's Find iPhone and eg. Life360, https://www.life360.com. What's up F-Secure, how come it doesn't work? Do I need to allow it to access…
Websites access for children
I posted a topic a few days ago as my child could not access his school homework website even though it was clearly "allowed" in the Settings I had to request support from F-secure and they had to do a remote connection to check what was the problem. They did a few things which did not fix the problem but the worse is that…
Windows phone FSecure Safe stopped working
My Windows phone updated today and my FSecure has stopped working. It wontelaunch.
possibly unwanted application
Dear F-Secure , The following case has been closed: Number: xxxxxx Created: 2017-09-16 Subject: possibly unwanted application As of yesterday, I have the same problem with the same app, e-alarm Could you look in to it once again please? . With Best Regards, Peter Janssen EDIT: Removed case number
urgent ... i have a method that cracks your clients’s accounts .,
Hello i have something urgent !! i have a special tool that crack your users's accounts and can easily have full access to their accounts ! This tool works perfect ! It cracks all accounts for all your products ! No worries, i did not reveal or publish this to anybody, and as an honest one i reported you . off course i am…
Realtime scanning on Mac
I have recently installed F-Secure on my mac. Everything seems to be working, but the realtime scan mark disappears when I set the changes. (High Sierra) I have checked all settings, everything seems to be the same as on my MacBook Air and it's working fine there. Anybody know what I might have overlooked? Thanks, Bram
F-Secure scanning of Android mobile files: 'base.apk' and '.nomedia'
Recently the scanning process is taking much longer than previously. It highlights each of the files noted above and states: "Scanning file '.nomedia' may take a while". It continues to scan the .nomedia file without ending the scanning process. Please advise.
F-secure was suddenly deactivated but I cannot detect a virus? What do?
A small message suddenly popped up saying my F-secure was deactivated although I did not turn it off. I immediatly turned it on again and did some scans without result. Is there a possibility that something harmful is (still) on my PC? Is there a way to scan my Pc with an outside source to confirm that there is no virus or…
how can i recover my forgot e-mail address ?
i want recover my e-mail address. im forgot this and have account id on safe.
F secure Internet Security Installation Failed
I was given a F secure Internet Security when Buying my new laptop free . But when I tried to install it again and again says Installation Failed. Please Help.It wasted my data about 1 GB up to now since each time the installer downloads 50% and installation fails. some times it's progress bar go up to 99% and fails and…
Change mailadress
I need to change my mailadress in my account. I read in another thread that i have to contact support. Where do i do that ? I can not find a place to mail to support.
Gen: variant.gaftor.464617 (Detected by bitdefender) and Win32/Adware.FileTour.FGK.gen (detected by
help please, i have done multiple clean ups and the alterts of this virus keep popping out.
hello f-secure friends
I'm new here, my question. How often does f-secure update the virus bank? Thank you
F Secure Mobile Security + Freedome
Hi all, I have both the above on my 2 phones so I am paying 2 subscriptions. Do I need both? I also have Safe on my laptop bought through my internet provider. Do I need all them all? Many thanks. Gordon
Please Help
I lost my how can I locate
Monitoring family rules - used hours etc.
Hi all, Last week i installed save to my childrens Phone I wondering, how ist can remotely check the used time,or left over time.actually I have to Check directly at the Device Status. Furthermore my doughter is able to use the blocked Apps after time is over .. Bedtime. Did i a wrong setup? Installed it twice, to make…
F-secure safe and Ziggo Safe online
Ziggo has in use internet security "Safe Online and Safe online L". As I understood this is also a product of F-secure. My license for f-secure ends 26-5-2018. The license for Ziggo Safe online is also active. Schould I stop the lisence of f-security in order to prevent collisions between both applications?
Running F-Secure Safe on Windows10. The full computer scan keeps deteting APNMPS in the Ask Partnet toolbar as a Trojan. Clean-up and Delete both seetd on separate occasions, but next scan detect the same again. Is APNMPS a major concern? Is so how can I get rid of it.
re- installing on windows 7
hi I have been to my safe portal but when i click run on download it says my version of windows is not supported please any advice
souhaitez-vous autoriser cette page à ouvrir « My Security.app » ?
In english : do you want to give the acces to this page in order to open my security.app ? Hello, I get sometimes this message when i want to open for the firstime safari (just after a reboot of my imac). and i can't open any web pages! The problem is this message first appears quickly then disappear! and so i cant give my…