Scan sticking on 97%

Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Just like potential feelings (and maybe it is good to contact their official Support Channels:; chat as example. For proper investigation with logs and other related information):
-> did you check how long it? For example, after hour, two hours or six hours? Still such situation?
-> does it possible to play with Scan options (like check 'scan only known type of files' and uncheck 'scan inside archives')? Any changes (if it was not with such configuration)?
-> does it visible that it is only one file re-scanned over and over.
Or it is one file but scanning is about resources of file?
1. More than 1 hour...I use supplementary applications as a check.
2. I unticked the options but no difference.
3. It indicates different files.
This only happens on 'Full Computer Scan'.
If I do a simple 'Virus Scan' it finishes in under two minutes.
May well go to direct support as you advise.
Thank you.
With my experience -> some files may take a lot of time for be scanned (for example, three hours or so).
With my system (where I do checks more often) - entire "Full Scan" is about large count of hours.
"Virus Scan" is a brief scan for critical system places; And with "Full Scan" - entire system is scanned.
If it is visible which files are scanned (or where) during this Full Scan timeframe - possible to doublecheck that Context Manual scan (by rightclick directory/folder -> Scan by F-Secure) will be with such delay also.
If so -> maybe it is specific location or file/files with too much many resources and scan it take a lot of time. Potentially, if it is safe/valid/trusted ones -> possible to exclude them from scanning and Full Scan will be much more brief action. But it is not really fix or explanation - so Support advice is much more good.