Rocket League (Steam) Code erreur 51 : solution

zato89 Posts: 2 New Member



Depuis la dernière mise à jour de F-Secure internet Security, il est impossible de lancer le jeux Rocket League. il apparait un "code erreur 51".


Le problème vient de F-secure. Il faut désactiver Deepguard ou créer une permission dans deepguard pour le dossier d'installation de Rocket League. Dans fichier exclus, sélectionner le dossier d'installation Rocket League.


Merci au support F-secure de corrigé cela pour ce jeux, car d'autres personne dans mon cas peuvent ne pas trouver la solution tout seul.




  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @zato89 


    Do you mind to interpret your post in English as we currently do not have community support for French Language yet?


    If the issue is regarding our browsing protection blocking Steam application, try to submit a sample to us here or contact our French Support here.

  • zato89
    zato89 Posts: 2 New Member

    With Google translate :


    Since the last update of F-Secure internet Security, it is impossible to launch the game Rocket League. it appears an "error code 51".

    The problem comes from F-secure. You must disable Deepguard or create a permission in deepguard for the Rocket League installation folder. In excluded file, select the Rocket League installation folder.

    Thanks to the support F-secure for this game, because others in my case may not find the solution alone.

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