full scan report

today i full scanned my system and upon opening scan report i noticed that f-secure cannot scan file " c:/program files(x86)/f-secure/apps/computer security/common/policy.ipf " is it normal? because scan i did before did not showed up with this file error and also windows security center showed me to update f secure. and after that when i opened notification history in f secure. it showed "your comupter is at risk". where as i didnt noticed that message by f secure.
I remember seeing some F-Secure files as "Not scanned" but I can't remember the exact files.
You can easily check again without doing another full scan:
In Windows Explorer, right click the file and choose "Scan policy.ipf for Viruses". For checking the entire folder, right click the Common folder and choose "Scan Folders for Viruses".
EDIT: Save/Copy the old full scanning report if you want to keep it, because the right-click scan from explorer will overwrite it.
As for the security center message, this has happened to me a couple of times within 10 minutes after startup. But it has always been a false-positive message that will disappear by itself when I click the Action Center Flag tray icon.
I've also had the occasional 'Your computer is at risk...' flag, but as long as it goes away on it's own after a few seconds, I don't worry about it. My guess is that it's probably caused by F-Secure installing a big update, which causes a delay in the program starting fully, thus triggering the Windows alert. FWIW, when I had Kaspersky, that used to often take a good few minutes to start fully, and the 'Your computer is at risk...' flag was a regular visitor to my system tray.
Thanks nikk and simon. I rescanned that file and this time also it showed up as "cannot open file" I guess it may be because of some f-secure settings or tweaks. and "your computer at risk" alert didn't showed up further. So I guess it could be a temporary issue. Thank you for your help. i will redo a full scan in next few days within one week. and observe any unusual behaviour like alerts or anything like that and a report of fullscan and will post here again. thank you.
That policy.ipf contains the settings for Computer Security (that you can set through the user interface). It's a text file and does not contain any executable code. It's always locked when Computer Security is running because it's used to read and store settings. It's a bit embarrassing that it shows up in the scan report, since it's our own component.
(F-Secure R&D)Ville
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products