Uninstall babylon toolbar help?

Howdy, I can't get rid of babylon toolbar and the disgusting babylon search from my firefox. I aleady removed it form the "Add/Remove program" option, but it's still there when i restart my pc. It must have something to do with the registry, but I can not able to clean that.The other day someone in yahoo answers suggest a remove babylon toolbar guide.
It requires to download an antivirus not heard before,I just want to make sure everything won't go wrong again. so does Anybody knows about a simpler way to remove this everyone hated toolbar?
Have you tried resetting firefox?; https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/remove-babylon-toolbar-home-page-and-search-engine
There is a method, you need to download the CCleaner program. And install it.
The run the CCleaner program. Then click on Tools and Startup.
Go to the Firefox Tabs or Option.
Once you see the Babylon Toolbar.
Delete it.
Is the toolbar malicious???
Becareful next time when downloading stuff.
"Click on Kudos, the person who have find a solution to your problem."