Network Constantly Dropping when using F-Secure Internet Security 2014

That seems to be the case with me too, with both the AV and Suite (both 2014 versions), hardwired or wirelessly. I thought it was my ISP, but the modem seemed to show an active connection (Charter can be sporadic at times). I will monitor it more on my end, as I just thought it was just Charter and I
Thats not happening to us. So i think its not f secure that is causing the problem.
Install and run wisecare
If there is any problem with computer settings then it can solve the problem.
Also try removing the LAN or WLAN driver from device manager. Then do scan for hardwae changes.
I've been constantly monitoring my computer network, when I realise something is dead wrong somewhere.
I noticed that my network is constanly dropping for no reasons at all.
I have submitted my short report to F-Secure Beta Team.
If you noticed there is still a significant network dropping, please keep reporting to the matter to F-Secure Beta Team and also report the matter in this forum.
And explain what you have seen and monitor.
Don't forget, if you need to forward the matter to F-Secure Tech Support team or the F-Secure Beta Team, please create and include the from the F-Secure Internet Security 2014 - "Run Support Tools".
It will generate the file. You need to attach the file to the submit bug report via F-Secure Beta Team or the F-Secure Tech Support.
A note not related to IS 2014 but to this kind of problem,
There is a problem with many routers handling MAC addresses NOT starting with 00, especially if you're using address reservation in the router. This might cause your PCs etc to get a connection and resetting it over and over...
Hiya Rusli,
Not wanting to state the obvious, but it could be the modem or router?
(Don't know what type you have, so can't advice there)
Have you tried setting the IP Numbers manually?
- Has helped me more then once in similar cases, and gave me time to solve the real problem. -
Anyway success.
Hi Chrissy, and thank you for monitoring this thread
In my case, it turned out as I was kind of thinking on my end, that it may have been something to do with my ISP. Turns out, my modem wasn't properly provisioned and was slowly shutting down on their system. A tech just left and gave me a new upgraded modem (properly provisioned
) and did a once over of my wiring. So needless to say, I'm pretty sure that was the issue in my case, and anticipate smooth sailing with this fantastic 2014 version of F-Secure