Windows Phone, cant install FS Protection

FS Protection on Windows Phone 8.1


Hi, I sent sms to my phone to install FS Protection on it. Received sms with link, link opens correctly and the target site identifies my device as Windows Phone correctly. But, when pressing Continue I get redirected to the address which seems to be the frontpage for Microsoft Store in Finland.


So am I doing it wrong or is the link I received broken?


Sincerely, Johannes


OT; The FS Protection suite has been workin flawlessly on Windows the last months, even upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 haven't given me a single headache. Keep up the good work!


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.


    How I can to remember.... there just required else one step (more steps) for get FS Protection under Windows Phone.

    But maybe there was mistake... because probably.. when you get just main page of Windows Microsoft store: with my experience was FS Protection page under Microsoft Store directly (such as ... also from web-page it goes to trigger Windows Store as application). Not sure.. what if it's can be with changes on current time. Maybe I can to try re-install application and check.. how it will be now (for me).


    Anyway... maybe you can to try search FS Protection under Microsoft Store application and install it directly.

    Potentially... it's required steps about account-details after installation... with any of "steps before".


    How I can to remember... as example... simply installation of FS Protection will be as trial-ones.

     But you able to login for FS Protection portal (or related steps) from application and it's will be as activation for your license (under FS Protection account).


    Smiley Sad Sorry for my reply and not nice English.

    Maybe it's can be something as temporary suggestions (if you want to try something).... because FS Protection team maybe comes just with start of work-days.



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