FS Ultralight AV flags steam server status as malicious url

Potentially.. there should be one desing around "malicious"-ratings and URLs.
So, if F-Secure ULAV marked it as "malicious". Another solutions - FS Protection or F-Secure IS should to have same decision about URL.
But with F-Secure ULAV "background-blocking" more visible as notification-prompt. With FS Protection it's can be not visible but "blocked" in fact. Such as.... blocked connection, but notification can be just as "blocked-page" - which missing there by connection-source.
I not really friendly with Steam, but with my experience about F-Secure ULAV and Steam-application probably not about your experience. Such as - without any prompts about malicious URLs (as Steam-server URLs). But maybe you able to create some of "steps", which can be as repeat-instruction for reproduce situation?! Maybe I just have experience about another steps of use.
Or maybe your situation with something else around.
Sorry for my reply.