Choose what to scan - menu option gone?

martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

My recollection is that in TP there was a menu option choose what to scan.

Is that correct? and if there was when was it removed. I did use that for manual scan as on my systems with 2- 4 Gigs of mass storage the full computer scan would take days if if completes.


I am aware the there is the right click option in Explorer. Have not used that, as was accustomed to the menu/GUI option.


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    There's still the Advanced Scan menu in the Tools section, which gives the options of a Full Computer Scan or a Virus and Spyware Scan (not quite sure what the difference is, as I don't usually do full scans, but I think the V&S Scan is quicker).  You also have the option there to go to the Scan settings screen, and change things in there.  I don't recall seeing an option to choose which drives to scan, if that's what you mean, but that doesn't mean it was never there as my memory isn't what it used to be!  Smiley Very Happy


    You can also use the Exclusion tools in the main Settings screen to exclude drives from a scan.  You have to do this separately for both Virus Protection and Manual Scans if you want to exclude drives, folders, or items from each.


    If you want to choose which drives to scan, the easiest option might be to go to My Computer, select the drives you want to scan, and use the right click scan method.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    What  I was after was ability to choose drive and then folders.


    Yes Virus and Spyware Scan appears to be quicker and to do the system files only.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    See my edit above:


    You can also use the Exclusion tools in the main Settings screen to exclude drives from a scan.  You have to do this separately for both Virus Protection and Manual Scans if you want to exclude drives, folders, or items from each.


    This could be a round about way to achieve what you want, albeit choosing which drives NOT to scan, rather than which ones TO scan.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks, I can see how to do it easily with the right click, but that was not the question.

    The question is was there a menu/GUI option for that and if there was, when was it removed.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.


    Current feature was dropped (randomly or not...) recently.

    Probably happened with TP142 - not sure... because.. what if I already forget version .

    How I can to remember.. it's goes to be dropped with TP-version, when comes new UI for Scan Wizard.


    Such as.. new UI comes and current feature "Choose what to scan" goes be missing (maybe it's related with potential statistics... that it's not really common to use for users).


    So .... potentially there already dropped workarounds as previous feature. But indeed have possibility to use manual scan by right-click-context-scan (it's possible to use probably with default hotkeys to choose "some files" under folder/between folder and .etc).


    Also there was dropped feature for "Choose, which action should be when threats found" for manual scanning.

    Previously it was available to choose/set up for "ask me each time", "remove", "quarantine", "clean", "ignore".

    Now.. it's dropped and probably will be work as "ask me each time".


    Sorry for my reply.

    Probably will be good to read official response from F-Secure team. Maybe they comes tomorrow (?) and will be normal information and not just my suggestions around.



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Tnanks. So the feature was there and not so long ago.

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