New features to family rules

KooHoo Posts: 2 Observer
edited March 2021 in Feature Requests

I changed from Eset product to f-secure and I am a bit disappointed to family rules. It is missing some important features.

-Set time limits for each day. Not only weekdays or weekend. I want to be able to set longer screen time for friday to sunday.

-Vacation time. I want to be able to set screen time limits off for scheduled period.

-Reports of what apps child uses and for how long in daily basis?

-Child being able to send requests, to allow blocked apps or to get more screen time.

-As a parent I would like to control all family rules in my own safe app without signing in every time to myfsecure web site.

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  • FSafe_UserDW
    FSafe_UserDW Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Originally I could use the My F-Secure options with my usual Windows (administrator) account. At some point since my purchase, this seems to have been changed. Support told me I can only use those settings on a child / user (non-admin) Windows account now, and doing so will use up another F-Secure license. Support advised me to create a child/user account, use a F-Secure license on that account, and then set up my family filter options there.

    This makes NO sense to me. Is there a workaround for this removed functionality? Why can't I use the family filter options on an Admin account any longer? This seems to be removing basic security features.

    For reasons I won't go into, I do not have a child/user account on this particular computer. It only uses an Administrator account (needed for remote work purposes).

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,798 Superuser


    Sorry for my reply. I am also only an F-Secure user.

    Originally I could use the My F-Secure options with my usual Windows (administrator) account. At some point since my purchase, this seems to have been changed. Support told me I can only use those settings on a child / user (non-admin) Windows account now, and doing so will use up another F-Secure license. Support advised me to create a child/user account, use a F-Secure license on that account, and then set up my family filter options there.

    You are probably referring to functionality such as limiting the time to use the device, as well as something like blocking content (Content Blocker / Filtering certain categories). Right? Or something else?

    I also, actually, prefer to use this functionality in my (administrator) account and as just main user (for my own needs).  Until recent changes (but still with possibility to do so).

    But your description confused me a little.  I mean that either I am not familiar about some of the parts of the changes. Or you might not quite accurately understand the recommendations of Support.

    My understanding: this functionality (an ability to set up Time Limits / Content Blocker under My F-Secure Portal) has always been positioned as part of Parental Control or Family Rules. So, mostly used by adults for kids. However, I have used both for myself.

    By using it with Administrator Windows account - it is possible to overwrite any limits. For example, blocked page? You can allow it by yourself. Reach time limits - you can extend some hours by yourself. This is fine for your own use, but not so fine if these rules expected for kids (they should ask you and you should allow/approve it). This is why - recommended to use "standard" normal Windows account (restricted). In fact, it is even good to use for anyone. Keep "Administrator" account for administration tasks; And for daily use - standard (restricted) Windows account (non-admin). More safe, less unexpected security troubles.

    However, recent changes with F-Secure SAFE is the very fact that only "child profile" can to use Family Rules/Parental Control functionality. So, I mean next: you login into your My F-Secure account (portal). There are some circles. Mostly it is "main" user and its devices. It is possible to create (during installation, for example) kids / children profile of F-Secure installation. It will appear on the portal as a child profile device. Other than that - no much differences. If you need assistance with routine how to set up all that - I could try to create some suggestions or find related articles about.

    And, actually, it should not 'take' a real licence. There should work design like - one device (two accounts) - one license used for two accounts (one for Administrator account as "main user" and for Restricted/another account as "child profile"). Both devices shown in portal, but only one licence taken. I did not double check it on current minute - but it should be so, since it is common sense.

    Why can't I use the family filter options on an Admin account any longer? This seems to be removing basic security features.

    Sorry if my words will be misleading (I am currently with beta solution and I am not sure about certain design of stable build) - but maybe you still can use these options on your Admin (Windows) account. But need to configure F-Secure child profile installation on that device.

    Also, actually, situation is not about removing basic security features. Because, as I suggested above, Family Rules / Parental Control functionality was always designed for kids/children  safety. By using it on Administrator account - they do able to perform any action without restrictions. Even to uninstall F-Secure SAFE. So, there is no really much help to use it with Administrator account, unless it is your own choice for yourself (as I do it).

    For reasons I won't go into, I do not have a child/user account on this particular computer. It only uses an Administrator account (needed for remote work purposes).

    Maybe it is not needed. Only switch "F-Secure" type of installation. You can try it by opening F-Secure Safe (?!) main UI. And find place where "Logo" of user and username shown. Choose it, then choose "Switch the user" (or so). Type your credentials to portal, and configure it as for kids/child profile installation. Then apply changes.

    Probably this is suggested way. Sorry if not. I will try to check it later. You could also try to figure out if it so.

    Sorry for my English. If something is too unclear - good if you re-ask!


  • FSafe_UserDW
    FSafe_UserDW Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Thank you kindly for your quick and detailed reply. I have tried some of those same things in the portal, unfortunately with NO success. There was no way to switch the protection filters to my Admin account.

    F-Secure support has confirmed in writing to me that the family filters can NO longer be used on a Windows Administrator account, and that to set the filters up, I MUST create a new "user" (standar, non-Admin) account, and associate it with a separate F-Secure license (Support kindly gave me 1 extra license).

    There seems to be absolutely no way to use the family filtering options on an Administrator account, unless F-Secure reverses recent changes to F-Secure SAFE. For this reason I will be moving on to another product (one with easy to use family filters, and an actual real firewall).

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,798 Superuser


    Your words interested me and I decided to check on my device. I just installed F-Secure SAFE (stable version) after proper clean up any previous meanings of F-Secure solutions.

    So, I can still use Parental Control (I tried F-Secure child profile) with my Windows Administrator-type account.

    Thus, some points to know:

    • what is your version of F-Secure SAFE (it is possible double check by rightclick F-Secure tray logo and choose "About"); My installation is about: 17.9 (4.40.3267.0/SAFE).
    • what is your type of Windows account? Is it with email? I am not using Microsoft Account to log into Windows 10. Just "Username", just password. Kind of local account (or how it is called).

    Some words about my installation flow:

    • I decided to create F-Secure SAFE trial account. 3/3 licences.
    • I logged into My F-Secure account portal, there was one circle (me) with an ability to "Add device".
    • choose it, choose second option (device of my kids), Windows platform.
    • downloaded installer and launch it.
    • common flow then - check terms/privacy and install.
    • complete installation with "Hello, user", there is installation for fresh child profile" dialog, continue it.
    • then I can name this profile, choose age group. I call it "Administrator" and "18+".
    • then I able to configure Parental Controls, First - daily limits; then - Content blocker (categories).
    • I choose eight hours per day of use, some sleep hours, and then choose almost all categories for filtering content.
    • So, installation completed and "Administrator protected" dialog appeared.

    However, there is JUST notice about "that this Windows account with Administrator rights, which could be used for bypass restrictions". But I can proceed.

    So, I with F-Secure SAFE installation (as child profile) under Windows 10 with Administrator local account. Family Rules / Parental Control applied there. I can rule them via My F-Secure Portal, where I have to choose "created" child profile circle. Then to configure anything I like. Used licence : one (as for device itself - because listed device under child profie circle called as my laptop name).

    If I switch F-Secure user profile (Main UI - "user" protected -> Switch user) and configure it as for me (not for kids / as child profile) - then indeed portal did not show anything about Parental Control for this device, which already under another circle (main circle; not under child profile circle). However, sounds that after such a switch.. at least some minutes - rules are still applied (that was pre-defined with child profile).


    I have tried some of those same things in the portal, unfortunately with NO success. There was no way to switch the protection filters to my Admin account.

    Strange. But could you re-think about it based on my this comment? At least, could you spot what I miss about? I mean, why with my experience it is still possible and what can be with differences.

    F-Secure support has confirmed in writing to me that the family filters can NO longer be used on a Windows Administrator account, and that to set the filters up, I MUST create a new "user" (standar, non-Admin) account, and associate it with a separate F-Secure license (Support kindly gave me 1 extra license).

    There seems to be absolutely no way to use the family filtering options on an Administrator account, unless F-Secure reverses recent changes to F-Secure SAFE.

    Maybe they are talking about even further builds. Where further changes will be added and when design is completely switched to fresh model. And my experience is only about the first steps/stages of it?

    For this reason I will be moving on to another product (one with easy to use family filters, and an actual real firewall).

    If another product is also fine - maybe it can be a reason. Otherwise, maybe it is not really point to moving on.

    I mean, my opinion is that "Windows Firewall" is a real firewall. I'm not very good at this, but which of the characteristics of the firewall (and this is a fairly simple and basic thing) is missing in Windows Firewall? Also, F-Secure with some tweaks around for proper way to additional layers of protection.

    What about "Filtering". How did you use it? I mean, which categories are important?

    F-Secure still with an ability to use local Allow/Deny lists of websites. What category you want completely block?

    I really like and use "Unrated/Unknown content/Uncategorized" one. And did use this functionality because of that. Perhaps, good to request this part as a feature (security one).

    Otherwise, Family Rules (Parental Control) are really designed for child safety. So, for them good to use standard user indeed.

    However, on current minute - I successfully tried to use F-Secure SAFE (stable) with Parental Control on my Administrator Windows account. The only important step - to configure F-Secure installation with child profile.


  • FSafe_UserDW
    FSafe_UserDW Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    This is STILL not fixed. F-Secure has removed an important security feature.

    When I log into MyF-Secure (, no matter which account I choose, there is absolutely NO "Family Filter" or any sort of content filtering available. In fact, there are NO options whatsoever under Settings except for "Rename."

    This is different than when I first installed the product. Until sometime around early 2021, I could go to MyF-Secure, Settings, and turn family filters (web content filtering) on off, etc. This is NO longer possible.

    This is 100% UNacceptable. The product advertises itself as capble of setting family filters etc, but this is false advertising. There are absolutely NO options at MyF-Secure --> Settings, except for "Rename".

    I use a Windows Administrator account. Why has F-Secure removed the ability to use Family Filters with this? When will this HUGE oversight be corrected?

  • FSafe_UserDW
    FSafe_UserDW Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Per latest F-Secure Safe documentation at

    "You can block access to web sites and pages that contain unsuitable content. To select the types of web content to block:

    Log in to My F-Secure service. <--- OK

    Note: You can log in to the service from the Family Rules page. ??? I have no 'Family Rules' page at all !!!

    Select Family Rules. <--- There is NO such setting !!!

    On the Content filtering page, turn on Content filtering. <--- There is NO 'Content Filtering' option !!!

    In Blocked content, select Edit and then select the types of content that you want to block. When you have selected all of the content types that you want to block, select Save." <--- There is no option to do this !!!

  • FSafe_UserDW
    FSafe_UserDW Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    edit: I do have a 'Family Rules' page inside F-Secure SAFE program (but NOT at

    The 'Family Rules' in the program has no options except :

    "To change these settings, log into My F-Secure"

    (and when I log in as directed, there are NO Family Rules settings available anywhere, thus the problem).

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,798 Superuser

    Hello, FSafe_UserDW

    I tried to create some thoughts with my previous reply. Could you check it?

    However, I did not re-check current situation with stable solution - but since your description with no changes (practically) and my beta solution state too - maybe you can try to check what is difference between my and your experience. Even when I tried to use stable solution (trial) at the time of previous comment.
