Exclusion/ignore list for Mobile Security

Posts: 2 Observer
Hello there!
If possible in future updates, it would be much appreciated if the mobile security also had an exclusion/ignore list for files and / or folders on our Android phones. There are some sideloaded apks that keep giving me security alerts but that I know are clean. I just wanted a way to say "OK, I know. You can now stop telling me this over and over again" haha.
Anyway, here's my 5 cents to it.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
Hello, Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions). Just two other related feature requests (as a reference): https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Feature-Requests/Option-to-exclude-files-or-apps/idi-p/58451 https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Feature-Requests/Ignore-Button-For-Future-Scans/idi-p/107595 In addition, such a detection on Android platform is most likely only at rescan reappeared. And, in general, it is possible just close / ignore this alert and to use application further. Although it is not quite smooth (but maybe it is a good reminder about potential risk). Otherwise, there was a good suggestion (https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Mobile-Security-ignore-list/m-p/120147) to contact their F-Secure Labs.