F-Secure AdBlocker for all major browsers
Release the F-Secure AdBlocker for all major browsers (iOS, Android, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome) as a standalone product.
Fingerprint/Face recognition unlock
Is there in the roadmap of the F-Key unlocking the Windows Client with computer's fingerprint or IR-camera facial recognition? Could be more useful (and safer) to use biometric unlock than basic master password.
QR Code Reader Integration
Looking for a safe way to scan and open QR Codes. A QR Code Scanner integration into F Secure Safe (for mobile devices) would be a great feature!
F-Secure online dashboard with scan results, state of health
I would like to see a more advanced F-Secure online dashbaord. At the moment logged in to My F-Secure you only see the protected computers. It would be great to integrate real time informations about the computers, e.g. scan results, state of health and so on. For a family / group administrator such informations are very…
Packing 1. encryption key (1024) for create/open packed file 2. password to open/packed file
2 step method. key + password. New way to protect multiple files. 1. Encryption (1024) key to create/open packed file. 2. Pack/unpack files with other password. password would be separated not just zip or rar. new one. both has already just only one password.
Please improve Adware detection
Hi, As is known, BitDefender engine does not detect well adware/Riskware. So, also F-Secure :) Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBL-Te1WWg0 I think it would be nice, if you'll improve Adware detection in yours engines (heuristic, cloud...). I see on many computers of begginers a lot of adware... Regards.
Key: Store data in own Cloud
Hi, would appreciate an option to safely store all login data with high encryption on private cloud servers or existing ones like OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloudDrive, etc.
Software Updater as a proxy in remote office
Hello FSPMServer (CentOS) can be configured as Proxy to cache AV Updates witch is fine solution for Remote/Branch Office with meny computers (less consume traffic to internet). Very nice would be to make SoftwareUpdater configure in Branch/Remote Office as Proxy/Cache updates localy for computers managed from central…
Booster Wish List
May I suggest the ability to configure the features offered in Booster? I don't wish to Clear Browsing History or Clear Recycle Bin in a regular basis, so I have to carry out Booster Optimisation manually. If I were able to tell the program to ignore these features permanently, I could select the automatic optimisation…
Software license codes are passwords. Requesting cosmetic change in wording = new feature.
I have paid money for device-id dependent software activation codes that I want and need to keep secure. I am currently storing these in Key, the certificate icon is great, but - instead of username I would like to see "device identification" - instead of password I would like to see "activation code" With the addition of…
Add a sandboxing tool
A sandbxoing tool can be very useful which can be used to run unknown software without causing any damage to the system.
I want to see my s ubscription info on Freedome about screen
I wan to be able to see how many activations I still have left on my 5-pack subscription with intstalling Freedome and seeing if it takes or rejects my key. I also want to see my account info. Apparently I have an account tied to the same email I received my subscription receipt from that was just a trial (that I…
Upload Manual Scan Results to the Portal and allow Administrators to remedy infections from the Part
Upload Manual Scan Results to the Portal and allow Administrators to remedy infections from the Partner Portal, show which machines are infected etc.
Some suggestions
Hello I have some suggestions for Freedome the menu of the task bar icon should show the state of the tracking and browsing protection (ON/OFF) because sometimes it is necessary to switch one of those off to show a website properly The "Check for Update" bar is not working There is no replay like "No update available" or…
F-secure Key,encrypted backup of key entries to local resource
Any chance to get a feature of (encrypted )backing up all key entries to local resource in case of cloud resource disaster
Get back old interface
Hello Please give back an old interface to Policy Manager Console Thin new interface 12.10 with bright white and light blue is to mach light to eyes. Make saome featrue witch few graphic templates or get back to old interface In old interface all hossts in left panel tree has icon with operation system, now in 12.10 there…
F Key - Improvements
Hello, Just a few ideas- UI Layouts: Could we have more choice of layouts. so not just a list but just icons, but like side by side. real logos of the websites. UI Colours: More icon colours and also choice of colours for the whole fkey. Devices: Show which device you are shareing your keys with. Add more than just one…
Two Thoughts
1. Add Encryption to SAFE, whole discs, partial discs and usb. 2. Add USB support to F-Secure KEY so it can be started from an USB. (Would be good to have a USB with the passwords handy)
Focus to search bar after CMD+TAB in Mac?
Dear F-Secure, when I do CMD+TAB from another program to F-Secure KEY, it would be nice if it focuses itself to the search bar, that I would instantly write something to the search bar.. I don't like to click the search bar by mouse every time..
Monitoring PolicyManager AUA Linux services statusby Nagiospolicy manager proxy linux nagios
In new wersion of Policy Manager Proxy (linux) canyou add some features to monitor services status, or downloaded updates (etc) by Nagios
Please add a Colombia node
Hey there, Can you add a Colombia node please, it would really help with some companies we deal with Thanks!
Automatic activation of Freedome on specific wifi hotspots
Most of the time, I do not activate Freedome (when I'm in a secure network). I activate Freedome when I switch to a public wifi hotspot. But sometimes, I forget it. It would be awesome if Freedome could detect when I switch to some configured hotspots (or some unknown hotspot) and if it could activate itself! (I use…
Feature request: traffic lights for locations
Hi all, I'm a subscription user of Freedome with iOS and Mac devices. Sometimes we are facing connection and speed issues mainly with the German Falkenstein server(s). It would help, if there would be a kind of traffic light beside the server logos so one can figure out if there is an ongoing problem with that particular…
Universal Windows Platform Apps
Hey developers! Would love to see more of your products & tools to be available for the whole Windows device family = Universal Windows Platform App. I am still missing some of your great tools on my Windows Tablet (x64) and Windows Mobile devices: - F-Secure AdBlocker (as an AddOn for Edge?) - F-Secure Key (as an AddOn…
Hi, Admin! As a Freedome lover I wanted to suggest you about new features that you can make. 1. Auto update [from past versions there was a pop up that informs you that there is new version 1.download 2.later 3.cancel] but now can't see this i was using 1.0 I didn't knew that there is 1.1 or 1.2! Improve it. 2. Blacklist…
license management of Freedome
I suggest that your license management should be changed in order to accept the addition of licenses durations like Bitdefender does ? for instance: I have Freedome running with 61 days license remaining, I purchased a 1 year license with 30% promo thanks to a mail offer from F-Secure, the problem is you can't add a new…
White-listing for specific URLs on User's end
Because I respect Freedom's Terms of Service, and third-party's stances on proxy services, I wish F-Secure would address this by adding a simple white-listing feature. Basically, if certain websites (ie streaming video sites) wish to disrupt proxy connections to their servers, Freedom simply doesn't route my white-listed…
Automatically connect fredome based on APN
A feature that I would find handy is the ability to have freedome vpn automatically connect when I join a specific wifi access point. Is this somthing under consideration? Thanks, David
Freedome locations favorites
It would greatly simplify the use of locations if you were able to save your favorite locations to the beginning of the list (e.g. Favorites, Europe, Asia... etc.)
White list IP address in Intrusion Prevention
From the central console, I would like to be able to white list one or more IP addresses in the Intrusion Prevention engine. Once you specify an IP address in the white list, F-Secure client will not check traffic coming from it and, thus, no alerts to users will be raised in case this IP address, for instance, runs a nmap…