Safe keyboard - protection against keyloggers when typing in username and password.

Vetraci Posts: 156 Adventurer

In addition to the banking protection that pop ups every time browsing to a banking site, there could be a protection against keyloggers (e.g safe keyboard) that pop ups every time doing online shopping and banking.


A safe keyboard could protect from malware that trys to spy out user names and passwords.






  • MargosDezerian
    MargosDezerian Posts: 115 Active Engager
    Not a bad idea but Windows has a built in on screen keyboard,just type in osk in the start menü search and you will reach it.You can make a shortcut for that also.
  • Vetraci
    Vetraci Posts: 156 Adventurer
    Even screen keyboards can be "hacked" by keyloggers. There are several other Security Suites doing a good job by offering such additional security features.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    Hello, Sorry also for reply. But do you know any good software with protection against keyloggers?? And here I also mean something like: -> Good software - trusted software. -> Good protection - without a lot of false-positives or prevented valid actions (such as - it's not hard.. "block all" and user should to think... allow it or not).... but also with protection against "valid" keyloggers too (such as valid remote administrator tools, business keyloggers and other... which can be "valid" for any security-software and be ignored). also... like example.. software... which able to detect Microsoft Windows 10 Technology Preview default "keylogger". :) 

    With other meanings... potentially F-Secure should to detect any malicious  "keyloggers" (which able to collect and transfer it) as Trojan-files. Or any other malicious, suspicious.... spyware, riskware or other. Related with sample. It's mean - if here keylogger - F-Secure should to prevent/detect it before... And if here to add something specific against keyloggers. It's should be totally cool and powerful. And not just as "something about protection against keyloggers". Which already long time in use as default part of protection. Sorry for reply again. I just mean... that some of other Security Companies... have security feature as "protection against keyloggers" - but it's not always work best (such as protection... and such as worry-free for user)... or just part of "default steps", which F-Secure already have. With target attacks.. potentially on current time without good examples as one security suite (which will be not always too much angry).

  • MargosDezerian
    MargosDezerian Posts: 115 Active Engager
    Hi Ukko,I never heard of such a software for that.I know only one new for bad USB attack called G Data USB Keyboard Guard.
  • Excellent Idea! When banking mode is enabled (true)

    FS Should:

    • Get a list of all banking websites (Globally)
    • F-Secure should then hook the browser, or popup a VIRTUAL KEYBOARD GUI
    • Force the users to enter the banking user and password via the VIRTUAL KEYBOARD GUI and continue to submit there login details.

    This would interestly reduce keyloggers from obtaining keystrokes via GetAsyncKeyState method.


    Highly Recommended Feature. Nice Submit.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    But... basically.. this kind of steps (which can to prevent against this kind of keyloggers).. should be detected as malicious or spyware. If it's not detected as malicious or spyware... probably here already trouble. And better to fix "this kind of protection logic" under F-Secure protection-mechanism. If it's not detected... potentially "this kind of keyloggers" (which can be more "valid" or more "unvisible" for detection) can to use a lot of workarounds or tricks.. for break protection Virtual Keyboard (such as - screenshots, video-saving during known sessions or regular things for detection interesting places for keyloggers) or if here will be without any hooks and just goes from Virtual Keyboards to "normal keyboard's codes" - it's can be hooked by keylogger and etc. Sorry if my dreams about this can be wrong. Simply.. I not really friendly with security or developer-things and maybe here totally another view of situation (in fact). Sorry also for my new reply. But also.. can to add.... I also think that... high-quality of protection against keyloggers (with something specific and new-level of meanings) can be great feature. But not sure... that it's already created by developers as "potential innovations" (and usually can be plans just about something default and simple).

  • NKT
    NKT Posts: 15 Explorer
    This isn't something that would actually be a useful addition to your security. Imagine a list of all the banking sites, and a special flag that alerts to them every time you go to one, that then fires up some special software to interface with that site, and even enter the keys for you. It would be a dream target for hackers, and it would also, hopefully, trip whatever protective programs you have running! Also, if someone is running a keylogger on your system, unless it is a hardware one, then there is nothing at all to stop them looking at the screen and tracking the mouse movements either! And they could even massively reduce the system load by only storing the data on mouse click for the "virtual keyboard", so they only need to look at a dozen screen shots to get your 12 letter password. Really, it adds nothing. Of course, you can do tricks like switching to a new protected view, but since the goal is to isolate that from everything else, sending the output to the browser isn't going to work...
  • anniem
    anniem Posts: 2

    since installing f-secure booster my lap top is slow. The  update screen reads prevent file recovery 17281 files although this has been securely deleted previously-taking 24 hours to complete. I do not think these are true readings. Any help will be much appreciated.


    I am seriously considering removing f-secure booster as i do not have confidence in it. 

    I am happy with f-secure and that is the reason I paid for and installed f-secure booster............





  • NKT
    NKT Posts: 15 Explorer
    anniem, If the scanner tool is telling you that there are 17000 files that it can recover, it would suggest that the wiper tool you used didn't do the job, despite taking all might to run. I think you should use the Fsecure tool to make sure they are wiped. It won't take very long - certainly not 12 hours!
  • MrParham
    MrParham Posts: 11 New Member

    its not needed in my opinion


    becuase that keyloggers and kind of malwares should detect by DeepGaurd ( of cours if first don't detect with F-Secure's database )

  • NKT
    NKT Posts: 15 Explorer
    One further thought on this thread: a spy-proof keyboard might be a good idea - it would scramble the letters and numbers so that CCTV can't be easily used to determine the inputs. It would also thwart acoustic and accelerometer based attacks, which are becoming common on smartphones.
  • Parham
    Parham Posts: 103 Enthusiast

    in terms of Keyloggers abuse while you are in a bank websites ... F-Secure Banking Protection is active so there is no need to virutal keyboard
    also DeepGuard will detect their behavior algorithms.