Hi, Admin! As a Freedome lover I wanted to suggest you about new features that you can make. 1. Auto update [from past versions there was a pop up that informs you that there is new version 1.download 2.later 3.cancel] but now can't see this i was using 1.0 I didn't knew that there is 1.1 or 1.2! Improve it. 2. Blacklist…
license management of Freedome
I suggest that your license management should be changed in order to accept the addition of licenses durations like Bitdefender does ? for instance: I have Freedome running with 61 days license remaining, I purchased a 1 year license with 30% promo thanks to a mail offer from F-Secure, the problem is you can't add a new…
White-listing for specific URLs on User's end
Because I respect Freedom's Terms of Service, and third-party's stances on proxy services, I wish F-Secure would address this by adding a simple white-listing feature. Basically, if certain websites (ie streaming video sites) wish to disrupt proxy connections to their servers, Freedom simply doesn't route my white-listed…
Automatically connect fredome based on APN
A feature that I would find handy is the ability to have freedome vpn automatically connect when I join a specific wifi access point. Is this somthing under consideration? Thanks, David
Freedome locations favorites
It would greatly simplify the use of locations if you were able to save your favorite locations to the beginning of the list (e.g. Favorites, Europe, Asia... etc.)
White list IP address in Intrusion Prevention
From the central console, I would like to be able to white list one or more IP addresses in the Intrusion Prevention engine. Once you specify an IP address in the white list, F-Secure client will not check traffic coming from it and, thus, no alerts to users will be raised in case this IP address, for instance, runs a nmap…
Managed portal for F-Secure SAFE
I have a F-Secure SAFE subscription which I have several family and friends under. It would be nice if the web portal reported on the status of machines e.g. Detected threats, last scan, blocked websites, current definition update and agent version, etc. It would also be nice to be able to send a command to scan a user…
Key - copy/paste in "info-part" of the site
Helo! It would be good, if it is possibe to copy (and paste) data from the info-part of each site in Freedom. This opportunity was possible before, but nor anymore.
Requesting a feature
I'd like to see an option to not direct prive IP addresses over the VPN. In this example any packet with a 10.X.X.X address would be exempt from the encryption. This way we can get to services in our network while having the VPN connected.
Adding a Brazil server
Would be an awesome addition to Freedome having a Brazil server. Pretty much most of the competitors already feature Brazil. I'm so happy with Frredome, I'd rather keep it, then changing to a competitor that offers a Brazilian server.
Manage Freedome subscriptions over My F-Secure portal
Hi, how about managing Freedome subscriptions over "My F-Secure" like it is already possible for F-secure Safe subscriptions? I am missing following "Features": - Change license to another PC or Smartphone - Share subscription with family members or friends and have a control board to see where licenses are already user -…
Hiding Tray Icon (complete or partly)
Hello, we have some clients with F-Secure Client/Server Security Premium and they all complain about the information witch standard users can get over the tray icon. Every User can see, that his Computer is probably not save because of some Flash or whatever updates missing. In former versions of F-Secure it was possible…
Encryption for Text and Voice
It would be great if you could develop voice and text encryption apps for both Android and iOS.
F Secure Freedome - Language : Turkish Pls
I hope that this request is located F-Secure freedome - Dil: Türkçe Pls
Landscape mode for tablets
All f-secure products I have used so far (Freedome and Key) only support portrait mode at Android tablets which can be very anoying. Landscape mode would make the usage a lot easier and more enjoyable.
Automatic password entry of single characters
Many financial websites require random characters from your password to be entered. Can we have an upgrade to F-Secure Key to facilitate automatic entry of single characters e.g. Ctrl+2 for 2nd character, Ctrl+b for 11th character etc. while selecting from the drop down list of password entries. This suggested method is…
Freedome - Please add a Indian and Brazil server
Hi,could you add a server for India and Brazil.Alot of the competitors already added server in this regions. And switching between VPN's is a workaround but not the best solution for me. Anyway if you add this two servers it would be a nice feature.
Other Firewall Options
We need a more comprehensive firewall option to use with f-secure. Depending on the windows firewall might be easy - but it's not as robust as it should be. Compared to comodo firewall, zonealarm, agnitum's outpost firewall options - the windows option is not only lacking features, but it is likely less secure. I am…
Freedome access local devices on broader netmask
So, while Freedome allows me to access resources on my *local* network (in my case a /24 in the 192.168.x.x range), using Freedome in my environment is difficult, since I typically need to access resources in a much broader subnet. For instance, assuming that my local network was, Freedome allows me to…
Ransomwarewächter und Sicherheitswidget
Da F-Secure in Tests Ransomware sehr oft übersieht wäre ein extra Wächter für Ransomware sehr nützlich. Der neue Wächter sollte nur nach Ransomware Trojaner suchen und Infektionen vermeiden. Ein Sicherheitswidget wäre auch sehr nützlich das anzeigen könnte wie der aktuelle Status der Security ist. Z.B. ein grüner Haken…
Few comments about F-secure KEY (OSX and iOS)
I am looking for an alternative for Lastpass and checked your product out. I have a few comments. Faults in the OSX version: - I have to choose between constantly writing the main password (by making the timeout between main password entering to 5 mins) and taking the risk that somebody with an access to my computer could…
Client Security - Suggestions
Dear FS-Team, I like to submit the following suggestions for Client Security 12.00, Windows 7 x64. 1) Application control: please allow under "Application control" goups to be created under which applications can be placed, so the administration of larger number of applications is easier, not having to scroll down a single…
Freedome: website depending server location
My idea is to integrate the possibility to choose which Freedome's server use for a certain domain: I live in Switzerland and I use the Italian server, it works pretty good but when I want to watch Netflix I have to change to the US server ant it is really slow (100 - 150 ms ping). If there were the possibility to create a…
Get rid of F-Secure
1. I have had a number of significant problems since downloading & running F-Secrure Booster 2. I have started three threads about these hoping that one of the F-Secure experts might help. 3. No response from a F-Secure expert - do they actually exist? 4. Perhaps it is time to move on from F-Secure - they obviously don't…
Add Religious Content Block on Parental Controls
Freedome Global Vpn-servers:status/healthy view for customers with valid subscription
According Idea Subject,possibility to have a status/healthy view of the Global(all) F-secure vpn-servers(virtual location) for customers with valid subscription would be a nice feature.
Virgin Media Superhub
When trying to access my Virginmedia Superhub to change wi-fi channels F-Secure prevented me from gaining access, switching off F-Secure allowed me to do so, always a dangerous thing to do. Could a fix be possible to allow access to the hub without switching off the security? I have noticed this complaint from others on…
Products pricing - Family package etc.
Greeting! Since F-Secure has launched more products I'm suprised there's no packet deals. For example a family package for X devices (X €/ 1 Year) and get for every member/device: * SAFE * Freedome * Booster * Key * X GB storage in Younited SAFE has an option to buy for 1-10 devices, which is good - but Freedome and…
Possibility to configure Freedome VPN connection on unsupported devices
I have this idea, which I think would be useful in this world of many different OSes: I suggest that you would make it possible to, for example, configure the VPN connection on Windows Phone. Windows Phone has the possibility to configure VPN profiles at the settings, and so do many other OSes that are not supported by…
Verknüpfung von Lizenzen
Zur Zeit ist es technischen Gründen nicht möglich gekaufte F-Secure Safe Lizenzen welche aus unterschiedlichen Quellen stammen, z.B. - gekauft über den F-Secure Shop (cleverbridge) - gekauft über online-shops (z.B. amazon) mit nur einem MySafe Account zu verwalten. Somit ist das Feature "Verwaltung aller Geräte (PC's,…